Caribou Gear

Video intro.....

Funky music. Sure this isn't porn? ;) Just teasing, looks good to me!
THat's kind of neat.. I'm not sure the music is right though.. It makes you look for a dance club rather than a meadow with a stream running through it and a Moose chomping on watercress...

I like everything but the music.
Hey, on a second version of my elk video i added something to the end credits that has brought a few laughs. You might throw it in there
"No animals were injured or hurt during the production of this film..(fade out)...... Just kidding"
I like it all... The music is upbeat and it would blend in nice once the video shots are added and fading in and out of different hunt scenes. Make it happen captain! Plus it will go REAL well with the girls at the end doing the pole dance in the meadow along side a nice lodge pole pine treehump ;) :D
These were the first 2 tries ... For the SPORTS intro Lovers ;)

For the Soft intro Lovers ;)

Alright.. I slowed down the Intro, ... Think River......And we're changeing a few things but this clip still has the old one with a New "PUSS" Song in it. I added some Pics for my Sheep vid Intro.... The beginning song is a : Kind of like a Feel good by the Stream song...... KNOCK yourself out :D :D
Let it buffer................... Does that work ?

Anyone have a Preference from the 4 that I posted ?
Yep that did it... For me the intro is too BORING on that one. But hey i'm still listening to Molly Hachet and Nazerethhump ;) It is though kind of nice to have the slow start then into the Get er done run:D
On the first version, you could add some Michael Jackson "Thriller" vocals, and I think you'll have it about perfect......

Seriously though, I think you done good so far..... ;)
Hey Dude,
Have you ever noticed that all the big name videos start off with a couple of quick peeks at the "money shots"? Like the jack brittingham stuff?

I just tivoed a show on diy about making home movies .....just gotta take time to watch it now!

AWESOME start to the Vid!'s been nearly a month...have we decided on an intro ?/ Any other new developments ?? I'm itchin to see what's put together so far..... :)
LOL..... We do have a Good intro and it's been decided. the video was put on the Back burner forthe DHI Banquet. We're suposed to work and maybe finish it next week . my wife is heading to Utah for a week. Should open the evenings up !!!!!

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