Vanish and FireTiger's 2021 Journal

( I apologize for the lack of photos, but as this was not my hunt I didnt feel it was right to post most of them )

Day 3 the decision was made to drive to a different area. There were lots of does around in location A, so we had faith that bucks would show eventually. But considering at least 3 of them had been shot it seemed like it might take time for new contenders to move in. While there was little doubt that there would have been hunting pressure at location B, we hadn't actually experienced it first hand and thus it was mentally better.

It didnt take 2 minutes to spot the first deer, and no more than 10 to find the first buck. The sun was still not showing and at 1.5 miles we couldn't get a great idea of his size, so I kept an eye on him while S scanned for other deer. About the time I determined the buck was probably not what we were looking for, S had another spotted about 1.5 miles away in a different direction, and he was pretty sure he was interested. 730am

I got my spotter up on the buck and could tell he had a good frame. He was with a single doe slowly working North. There was some private between us, but we weren't entirely sure where the borders were in relation to the buck. We decided S should cut about half the distance to get a better look, while I kept an eye on the buck.

About the time S was packed up, the buck decided to leave his doe and turn back South. He was moving quickly and after a couple hundred yards jumped a different buck and doe from beneath a juniper. Both bucks looked to be of the size we were looking for.

S cut about 3/4 of a mile while I watched. The 2 bucks were working uphill and eventually hit a fence line. The larger seeming buck jumped over and slowly disappeared over the saddle. The other buck finally went over, but bedded right on the skyline moments after this photo.

We made a plan to loop around to the S of the buck that would keep us on public land and the wind in our favor. It would be about a mile to get up to a rock knob where we hoped to reacquire him or maybe even glass the other buck.

It was around 9am by the time we were approaching the ridge. We were expecting to be ~3-400 yards South of where the buck had been bedded. S poked his head out from behind a rock and quickly realized we should have checked out location first. Instead, we were on a different ridge, SW of the buck, only 120 yards away and the buck was on his feet looking our direction. To boot, he was facing private, which was only 20 yards away on the other side of the ridge, and completely skylines. Everything about this was not ideal and it was our own fault for not preparing before peeking, a rookie mistake.
We backed up, took packs off, calmed down and got prepped properly. As S snuck forward, the buck was gone. Disappointed, we began scanning the ridge ahead of us and S quickly spotted a buck - whether it was the same buck or not we weren't sure, but it was the class we were looking for.


The blue line shows the bucks path as S was setting up for a shot. Yellow line is after the first shot, a miss. The buck then stood broadside, allowing S to take a second shot, this time a definite hit. Red line shows where the buck ran. We watched this spot to see if there was any further movement for 15 minutes. Upon seeing nothing, S circled around to the yellow/red junction and confirmed a hit while I continued to watch the hillside. Upon finding blood S called me over.
The moment S dropped his pack, the buck stood up and began working his way back across the hillside.


I tried to tell S on the radio, but learned later he had turned it off just before taking his pack off. The buck and S seemed to notice each other at the end of the purple line, where the buck turned back and headed away. S tried to get a shot, but none was presented. The buck disappeared over the ridge, but I could tell it wasnt using one of its front legs.

I eventually crossed and met up with S, who was following a clear blood trail. We tracked the buck for about 400 yards to a bed. The trail started to get thinner after that point, but we kept making progress. After 800 yards we were really getting concerned. At one point, the buck bedded twice, doubled back on his trail, turned down the hill and there was no indication for 30 yards. This took us almost 2 hours to figure out. As the buck approached the bottom of the backside of the mountain, we were starting to wonder if he got away. There were no bushes left for us to predict direction and blood was down to a drop every 20 yards.


Below us in the bottom was essentially a ditch. Something told me if the buck got this far, we would find him bedded in there. Our last ditch effort ( hah, look at that pun ) would be to follow that ditch looking for the buck. There was one particular Bush next to the ditch that caught my eye, and wouldn't you know it, that's where the buck was hiding. As S approached, the buck stood and then was dropped on the spot.
( Photo taken after we had removed the other side of the buck 😂 )


We were now about 3 miles from the vehicle and had dropped down the back side to the bottom of the 1200ft "mountain" the buck had been on. I'm not in great shape this year due to being home with the wife instead of climbing around in the hills, and I was not looking forward to the pack out. Turned out, we were in a hidden little bowl and were a mere 500 yards from another dirt road. There would be a creek to cross, so we packed everything to it and went minimalist back to the the truck. It was about an hour's drive around, but one we were happy to do.

We made it back to the wall tent camp about 3 hours after dark and did a little celebrating with a bourbon beer and then fireball / apple cider.
Well, I had been daydreaming about a post xmas Coues deer hunt as there is a good chance we will be in Tucson for xmas. I was thinking FireTiger could be with her family and I could slip away.

Was having trouble getting comfortable sleeping the other night so went to take a shower, and 99% sure I have an inguinal hernia on the left side. I had one on the right about 12-13 years ago, so I know what it looks and feels like, and its feeling very familiar at the moment. Won't be able to find out for sure until next week.

So much for that daydream!
I thought y'all might be interested in seeing some game camera photos from the family property in southern Arizona. These are all from the same camera. There have been photos of other species on other cameras. I left out most of the night photos. (repeats of species, but also skunks and foxes) :D

PS: There is no cattle grazing on this property.






Ringtail Cat







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From the looks of the trail cam photos you should probably pick up a lion tag as well! Hope you have a great time in Tucson :)
To clarify, we aren't down here to hunt. I plan to in the next couple years, but it wont be directly on this property, rather using it as a base camp. There is adjacent state land, and it's only a few miles to national forest.
Golly my journal was short this past year!

I had my hernia surgery 18 days ago. Recovery is going well.

More importantly, FireTiger gave birth to our baby girl this past Tuesday! It has been a long road to get there and feels great to finally hold her.

( sorry, no pics on the web )
Golly my journal was short this past year!

I had my hernia surgery 18 days ago. Recovery is going well.

More importantly, FireTiger gave birth to our baby girl this past Tuesday! It has been a long road to get there and feels great to finally hold her.

( sorry, no pics on the web )
Major congrats on the little girl! That's wonderful!
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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