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Utah Hunt expo -SMH

I went to Costco today and as I pulled in, I saw a pair of jeans and a hat walking to the entrance. I knew that could mean only one thing...

Someone was not following hunter code and was wearing camo to a store!

I parked immediately and ran inside to confront this person. How dare they wear clothing of their choice! They need understand the detriment they are to the hunting community by wearing camo outside of a sanctioned hunting activity.

I searched high and low, but alas, I couldn't find them. They must have been wearing the new Kuiu fusion sytka alpine mossy camo! Then I remembered, the jeans! I bet they are hiding in the pants! I ran to the pants and looked for a hat, my only chance of spotting the perpetrator. Bu t no luck, they evaded me.

I immediately left the store to come home and complain about it online. I knew the hunting community would have my back. We can't let these people get away with such atrocities. We need to confront them and educate them on the disaterous results of wearing hunting clothing when it is not appropriate.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go over to my car forum and tell them about the personalized license plate I saw on a Prius! So much internetting to do today!
Are you tittering? Asking for a friend.
Anyone know if RMEF Mountain Festival is on track this year for Park City and will they have state tags for auction or raffle? RMEF member and volunteered first festival which attracted decent number of national attendees. Many expressed disappointment no opportunity for tags. Missed opportunity to demonstrate fundraising which was why Utah awarded SFW-MDF the contract over RMEF.

I did attend and loved it. Bought new boots from great company in Kellogg ID, muzzy bullets from St. George UT company. Downtown Salt Lake busy including bars, restaurants, and hotels near convention center. The dollars left in Utah so important and appreciated by our downtown businesses who have been hurt with this damn pandemic.
Remi drew a pronghorn tag.

My family and I struck out again but I’m not surprised. The odds are terrible for pulling a tag. Before everyone piles on, I’ve said earlier on in this thread that I’m a hypocrite when it comes to this expo. I don’t like how it is handled, for a lot of reasons stated already, but yet every year I put in for the draw tags in hopes that it increases my odds of pulling a limited entry utah tag sooner than later.
Swing and a miss for me at the expo and the sheep camp drawing.

At the sheep camp, one of the winners was nearly in tears as he walked up to accept his hunt. It was pretty neat to watch someone be so thankful, and shocked, that his name was pulled!
That's great for you. It's your opinion, and I couldn't care less what you wear wherever you are.

I'm not missing the point. I'm making a point.

Most of the posts in this thread are making fun of people wearing camouflage when not hunting. You're trying to make light of it, but honestly, why are we engaging in this behavior?

Is there a hunters commandment somewhere I'm not aware of that says,
"Thou shalt not wear camouflage except when hunting on the mountain."


"Thou shalt not wear a cowboy hat to a hunting expo."

We, as hunters, have enough outside groups trying to bring us down. We don't need to turn on each other, especially if it's about something so superficial as what you wear in your daily life.

Recognize the expo for what it is. An extremely vibrant and diverse group of hunters that are excited about hunting and our way of life.

The most successful hunter I personally know wears blue jeans and Walmart camouflage when hunting. BUT, he gets a nice buck EVERY YEAR. I've learned from him and he has made me successful. (That's one of his horses hauling my elk off the mountain in my profile pic.)

Do you want to talk shit about flat-brimmed hat guys? I'm not with you. If you try to bring someone in the hunting community down because of what they look like, then shame on you.

If someone wants to get into hunting but doesn't dress like you? So what. Shake their hand, welcome them and be grateful that someone wants to join the hunting community instead of extinguish it.
Your right on target there, as soon as Facebook and the like appeared on the seen all this crap started. And talking about all us hunters sticking together we need to because of all the anti-Hunting groups and liberal judges. Look what just happened with the darn wolf getting re-listed on the endangered species list by a liberal judge in California. We’ve Got to Stick Together. Learn to agree to disagree on some things.
Anyone know if RMEF Mountain Festival is on track this year for Park City and will they have state tags for auction or raffle? RMEF member and volunteered first festival which attracted decent number of national attendees. Many expressed disappointment no opportunity for tags. Missed opportunity to demonstrate fundraising which was why Utah awarded SFW-MDF the contract over RMEF.

I did attend and loved it. Bought new boots from great company in Kellogg ID, muzzy bullets from St. George UT company. Downtown Salt Lake busy including bars, restaurants, and hotels near convention center. The dollars left in Utah so important and appreciated by our downtown businesses who have been hurt with this damn pandemic.

Yet another issue with the expo.

The best auction tags in the state, are all in central, south Central Utah, yet SLC makes money off of them.

Not sure we should sell wildlife to boost the SLC chamber of commerce. But if we are going to, it should benefit the communities where the wildlife sold, comes from.
Your right on target there, as soon as Facebook and the like appeared on the seen all this crap started. And talking about all us hunters sticking together we need to ................We’ve Got to Stick Together. Learn to agree to disagree on some things.
I have "scene" some dumbasses that post on this and other hunting forums. I am not on the same team with many of them.

Fortunately there are some very intelligent people on this forum that educate and allow me to learn things daily. They have my respect.
Your right on target there, as soon as Facebook and the like appeared on the seen all this crap started. And talking about all us hunters sticking together we need to because of all the anti-Hunting groups and liberal judges. Look what just happened with the darn wolf getting re-listed on the endangered species list by a liberal judge in California. We’ve Got to Stick Together. Learn to agree to disagree on some things.

My son's uncle's are relentless about picking on him, on everything from his mullet, his choice in hunting boots, gun, etc.

I told him, if your around dudes and they don't get on you, they don't like you and don't want you around.

Some guys have pretty soft feelings, or didn't have brothers or uncles?
Anyone know if RMEF Mountain Festival is on track this year for Park City and will they have state tags for auction or raffle? RMEF member and volunteered first festival which attracted decent number of national attendees. Many expressed disappointment no opportunity for tags. Missed opportunity to demonstrate fundraising which was why Utah awarded SFW-MDF the contract over RMEF.

Are you suggesting RMEF missed an opportunity to demonstrate fundraising because they didn't swindle enough of the public's tags away from the state to raffle/auction off? That's kind of the whole rub on the expo..
I was honestly contemplating going out to this thing, not because I give a rip about all the instafamous hunting influencer industry, I just really wanted a shot at those 200 tags. It was a moment of weakness and HTalkers made me aware of the questionable nature of the whole deal so I waved off. That and my wife said I am already way over budget on raffles so far…….. and I don’t own a kuiu vest or bedazzled jeans.
Good decision. Stay strong next year.
Are you suggesting RMEF missed an opportunity to demonstrate fundraising because they didn't swindle enough of the public's tags away from the state to raffle/auction off? That's kind of the whole rub on the expo..
Not suggesting; I'm stating RMEF has not demonstrated ability to organize and host a convention for years. That Vegas thing piggybacks off NFR and the Mountain Festival piggybacked off Total Archery. Government agencies can not and will not provide contracts to unqualified bidders.

Meanwhile; Utah increased killed OIL and Antelope in 2020, +429 since 2007.
Since HuntExpo started in 2007 our opportunities in Utah have increased substantially. From 2007 to 2020 the number of Antelope (bucks) + OIL harvested increased 429 animals (link and table). Think about that; population growth, habitat developed, chronic drought, poaching and Utah still expanded harvest and hunting opportunities.

HuntExpo isn't only factor expanding hunting and harvest opportunities, but it does recognize, celebrate, and provide platform for all those who want to participate, to have dialogue about Hunting and Conservation. Utah is doing well!

Species/Sex20072020% Change
Antelope / Buck813108533%
Bison / All12122586%
Desert Bighorn / Ram4081103%
RM Bighorn / Ram2277350%
RM Goat / All9111729%
Moose / Bull236167-29%

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