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unit 17 New Mexico


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Hey guys need help just like every nonres to a new state. Need as much info on this unit as I can get. I have talked with the fish and game already and a few others. I probably will stick to the west side of the san mateo mountian range unless somebody tells me different. I would really appreciate all the info I can get. Would love to help out here in Idaho If someone needs some info. Thanks again Lance.
Lance - if they would let me draw my first choice some year, I would have some experience in that unit to share with you. Congrats on a great tag.
Thanks Big Fin, Ya every hard for nonres for sure. Will be very lucky to ever draw it again. Can't wait for the fun to begin chasen bugling big bulls! Nothing like elk screaming... :) Can't wait.
Another unit HF screwed me on. I did it the right way. Met a NM resident, had to put up with him for 3 days missing bulls,(he is Khunter's brothers:p) and he gave me a good tip. I pulled a tag and BAMM!! ......................HF put it up the next year as a top pick.

Not that I am bitter or anything.

If I forget, send me a PM Monday.
Dinkshooter sent you a pm. I am needing all the input I can get. Come on guys, help a brother out! I will post pictures if I kill one.. :) Better yet you all can come along on the hunt itself..
I lived in NM for 10 years but never hunted that area (mostly hunted northern NM). I have a friend that guided in that area of the state and he always told me that he had guided clients to more big bulls in the pinion/juniper elevations than the timberline areas. He said that you will see less elk but a higher percentage of big bulls there. His thinking was when the traffic (hunters) starts invading, some big bulls go down to areas where not many folks hunt- especially in the early seasons. It ain't their first rodeo, so they go where the people aren't- even if it's a little warm there. FWIW
Hey Danvet, Thanks for the response, Ya the bigger bulls dont get killed by staying where hunter are. I think they go down there for a couple reasons, first to get away and second because they are chasing the cows which means they can keep away other bulls. I think they can keep moving around which keeps hunters and other bulls away. It is easier for them to rut! Is he still guiding there and what does he charge if he does? Thanks again for the info Lance.
Sorry highmountain, he is not guiding there any longer. Last that I heard from him, he was in Northern NM.
No prob Danvet, getting some good info on the unit. Thanks to all that have shared info. Still lots of time to do research and scouting! Hoping just to get a glance at a monster! (up close that is). :)
Unit 17

Howdy Lucky elk hunter. This unit has some great bulls in it as well as some monster bulls. Ive always had good luck here whether hunting turkeys elk or deer. I usually hunt on the west side too around baney park on forest road 476. This is big country. Locate the tanks and springs. Not much water in this place but if you find water you find the animals. get away from the roads away from the road hunter and the outfitters and you have a great hunt. If you find Baney park Camp 2 canyons over because of the wallow at the bottom of the canyon. in this canyon there is usually a good bull guarding this wallow.
Thanks manzanomadness, Very excited that the hunt is less than a month away. I head down to start scouting the week before my hunt opens. I have all the maps and have that spot marked on it. I really appreciate the info. I will find the tank and check it out, thanks again. ps sent you a prvt mssg!