Turkey Stir Fry


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2016

A buddy of mine gave me some turkey meat from the turkey he shot last week. It wasn’t a lot of meat so I decided to make some stir fry with it. Stir fry can make a little meat go a long ways.

Turkey Meat (any white meat works)
Broccolini (immature broccoli)
Rice noodles
Garlic clove
Green onion
2 eggs
Soy sauce
Olive oil
1 lime

For quantities, the rule of thumb for stir fry is 1/3 meat, 1/3 veggies, 1/3 noodles. So depending on how much meat your using depends on how much of everything you need. First cut the meat into thin (1/4” thick ) strips about 2” long and 1/2 wide. Thinly slice the garlic clove (don’t chop). Dice the white part of the green onion and cut the green part into 2” sections. Cut the broccolini in half. Soak the rice noodles in hot water (soak them right before you start the meat). Put the pan on the stove and let it get hot, almost smoking. Then add a little oil and slowly put the meat on so it doesn’t cool the pan. Sear the one side then flip and add the garlic. After a couple min, add 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and mix. Keep flipping the pan so the meat gets a glazed look. Then add the broccolini. Drizzle a little more soy sauce and give the pan a flip or two. Then add the green onion. You don’t want the broccolini soft. You want it to have a little bite to it. Then put the meat/veggies on a plate off to the side. Wipe the pan and put it back on the stove. Beat two eggs in a bowl and then strain your noodles. Pour the eggs on the pan. Make sure to spread it over the entire surface. It will only take a few seconds to cook give it a quick mix with a spatula so you have thin pieces of egg. Add the noodle and mix with the egg. Then add the meat/veggie mixture and mix it all together. Add a little soy sauce if needed. Remove from heat. To plate, use tongs to grab the noodles. You want a little bit of meat and veggies in it. Put it in a pile in the middle of the plate. Do the same to all plates. Then take the remaining meat and veggies and put that on top of the noodle. I like to make sure there’s a few broccolini on top of each dish. Lastlt, give a squeeze on lime juice over each plate. This will balance the dish perfectly.

*note* make sure everything is cut up and ready before you start. It only take 10-15 min to cook this dish.
Looks awesome. Stir fry is one of my favorite go-to meals. It's versatile, quick and delicious with any species of wild game.
Looks good! We have been making a lot of stir-frys lately and if(when?) we fill some turkey tags in the next couple weeks, I was thinking about some stir-fry as one of the planned meals.
A couple modifications I have:
Sesame Oil instead of Olive Oil - a little different flavor to go with an Asian style dish.
Spicy Mayo topping - buy some chili garlic sauce and mix with mayo. Figure out a ratio that works for you on spiciness. Have also put this on top of eggs for breakfast.
Ginger - Grate some ginger to add to the pan at the same time as the garlic
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