Caribou Gear

Treestand Gear Hooks


Active member
Dec 11, 2017
I'm looking for anybody's recommendations/current setups for hanging their gear in a tree. I've used the screw in hooks before on private, but setting up on public, I'm looking to be a little more mobile/in compliance w/ Forest Service regs and use a strap w/ hooks. Unless anyone's got any other ideas that have proven fruitful in the past! Thanks in advance!
I’ve been using one of these the last couple seasons with an s biner, there are other companies that make something similar

I would second this option. You can use all the different kind of hooks you want. I could see liking the swing arm setup if I was sitting in a hang-on tree stand, but I also got along fine without it. All a matter of priorities/rules I guess.
If you are hunting from a ladder stand I bought a couple clips that hook on the side tubes.
GHOAT gear hanger. It's awesome. Hangs your bow or gun, pack, and small accessories. Takes 30 seconds to put on the tree
The clips I am talking about came from Hornet Outdoors. They show them with a drink holder but you want just the clips. They work great and can hold a lot of weight.