This Rodent Life

Pucky Freak

Well-known member
Mar 4, 2019
This year’s hunt journal should be trim. My wife and I have the privilege of moving a family member with Alzheimer’s into our home to take care of, and leisure time comes at a premium. I’ll still get out to WY for bull elk for at least a week as the main event.

My daughter may be joining me on a few hunts this year as her interest in the outdoors grows. We got out for a couple hours yesterday, and the bite was good. I cast the line and she reeled them all in.
I got out today for something hunting-related. Very happy about this! Carried 2 ladder stands, pack, and gun together, about 140 lbs. An hour to get 1/2 mile through briars, stickers, nettle, seas of poison ivy, up and down ravines. Did see a new trail cam set up by some other brave soul hunting the nasty stuff. I won a MR Pop Up 38 at a BHA raffle this summer and tested it out today - so far so good.

Just after finishing the 2nd stand spotted 2 squirrels at sunset. Got the big one and the little one took off - missed x2 shots on it.
Always enjoyable! Thanks for taking the time to share your annual series of outdoor activities! Great young partner there!
Appreciate your family's spirit! A main role in an alzheimers diagnosed person is a patient endeavor!
Above was my daughter’s first early AM hunt. She was variously tired, bored, scared, and cold. Asked to leave multiple times.

We got home 9 AM, and when I was ready to head back for the evening sit she begged and plead to tag along again. I reminded her of the AM hunt and she promised she wouldn’t complain at all.

We bushwhacked to a new spot and set up. I reminded her about sitting still and staying quiet - tough tasks at age 5. We hunt from folding chairs without a blind. I heard a deer close and quick got my bow at the ready, but he saw me move and busted. Little spiker at 15 yards. I had two more deer pass downwind of us at about 25 yards. One winded us and the other saw me move and took off. True to her promise, no complaints at all. She even sat still and was quiet. I think it helped that it was warmer, she knew more of what to expect the second time, and we were not walking in the dark to get there.
Evening hunt tried to intercept a doe. Found this deer highway, and actually set up 200 yards away along a second bedding -> feeding route where I could see the first trail as well. If deer approached the farther trail I could circle around a hill to intercept.

No deer came close. Glassed a doe/fawn combo at 400 yards and then on the way out in failing light glassed a yearly buck at 250 along a power line.
My little partner joined me tonight. She asked if she could pack snacks and she brought mac&cheese, applesauce, and candy. She even packed a spoon for each of us.

We had a doe and fawn run towards us to 12 yards. I’m guessing they scented us, but misjudged where the source of the scent was. I got to full draw quickly and trained on the doe, but she never broke stride, so no shot.