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Things change. Go hunting.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2015
MT —> AZ
Had a nice conversation with a longtime Arizona resident this morning, telling me about the “good old days“ when he would chase deer on the Kaibab plateau and 13A on the Arizona strip on over-the-counter tags.
As you know, that is not a possibility today. Almost everybody reading this could not draw a 13a tag in their lifetime if they were starting right now with zero points. Got me thinking about the things that I do, or put off/take for granted that I need to be doing more of that might not be available in the future.
Go hunting.
This is great advice, and I’m glad it comes up here on HT every once in a while. It’s easy for me to complain about things like the orange army on OTC tags. But it’s also pretty special that I can go over to the gas station and buy a bull elk tag and be in the mountains hunting the same day.
Yep, do it until it no longer interests you. The hunting season you just had is the best one you're ever going to experience. Every year restrictions increase, we get older, who know what the weather will do, etc.

I'm on the fence going sheep hunting this year... More so due to lack of sheep and its an expensive camping trip otherwise, but I will regret it if I don't go.
Quite a few times I have tried to talk myself out of going on a hunt for one reason or is crap, water levels will be awful, deer aren't moving, too warm, any number of excuses

I almost always go and when I find out I was correct, I am happy that I at least checked it out instead of sitting at home assuming I was missing out on an opportunity. Opportunities get fewer and fewer every year (ie, I am getting old...haaha)
I just got done listening to one of the Elk CAG meetings and that made me think of this very idea. There was lots of discussion of shortening seasons or picking a weapon. The time may come when you can't hunt a bull every year and that comment definitely made me appreciate all the time I have spent hunting because it will change some day. Those sleep deprived, joint hurting, muscle aching, long hikes up the mountain are worth it. Enjoy the most of it.