Theft and ADD is a B


Well-known member
May 16, 2020
Well, I left my chest harness in my pickup as usual, but apparently forgot to lock my doors again... I really try. I came out to my truck gone through and my harness, binos and rangefinder gone. It’s my issue that I forgot to lock my doors, but I live in a “safe and quiet neighborhood“ in Spokane. The ideal is being able to leave all our stuff laying out everywhere and no one would touch it, but I guess that isn’t the world we live in… Time to start saving I guess…
Well, I left my chest harness in my pickup as usual, but apparently forgot to lock my doors again... I really try. I came out to my truck gone through and my harness, binos and rangefinder gone. It’s my issue that I forgot to lock my doors, but I live in a “safe and quiet neighborhood“ in Spokane. The ideal is being able to leave all our stuff laying out everywhere and no one would touch it, but I guess that isn’t the world we live in… Time to start saving I guess…
I feel you. I got hit hard by truck thieves this year as well. I'm religious about locking my truck. It only took one time.
It tells me that my doors have been checked a lot more times than I want to know.
Man, that really sucks. Sorry. I accidentally left my truck unlocked overnight night once at our house in Portland. Came out the next morning to find the drivers door and center console hanging open, but nothing was missing. Apparently they weren’t interested in empty apple sauce squeeze bags and Goldfish crumbs.
I feel you. I got hit hard by truck thieves this year as well. I'm religious about locking my truck. It only took one time.
It tells me that my doors have been checked a lot more times than I want to know.
It does suck and I feel your pain. Just having the doors locked MOST of the time will send the turds looking for another vehicle. As in my case I guess they really wanted in. Threw rocks at a side window until it finally gave way and shattered. At least one of the rocks missed the window and hit the side of the door. Nice more damages and loss. Finally got in and went through everything. My buddy didn't hide his wallet and just left it in the console. He didn't want to take it out on the water. We got back and they didn't take much. Left all of my Classic Rock CD's. Obviously they had really crappy taste not to take those. They did take my buddies wallet. It was dark and cool outside when we got back to my pickup and we had to drive 40 miles with the "window down" as it was gone.

Didn't have much hope of finding the turds but I made a report anyway. Almost a year later Probation/Parole was doing a search at a turds house 30 miles to the north. Found my buddies wallet with his D/L in it still and other victims items as well. Well the turd ended up in prison. Periodically I would receive a check in the mail from the Department of Corrections to pay for the hundreds of dollars in damage fro the broken window and the body work done on the door. It was almost laughable. I would get a check for $9.50 or $12.00, something along those lines. They would come periodically every 6 months or so. Then they just stopped after I don't think I got more than $100.00 total. Guess the turd had paid enough.

I do feel your pain.
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That really sucks. Sorry that happened. I've had vehicle windows broken twice because I had left visible valuables and my doors were locked. Both times in nice neighborhoods, theives traveled from worse areas to hit cars in mass then flee. Once in SC and once in Portland.

The Portland time, I was lucky enough the guy cut himself on the broken window then bled inside the car....that sucked worse than losing stuff out of the car. Really sucked for the neighbors car parked in front of ours...dude bled ALL OVER interior of that vehicle, can't imagine trying to clean that mess up.

Again, sorry that happened, it's infuriating.
I locked my truck in the Walmart parking lot in Kalispell, close to the store at a busy time of the day. Went in for a few minutes, came out, and found my driver's door window shattered. Nothing was stolen, that I know off, probably because I was only in the store a minute or two. Had to be on the security cameras at the store. Reported it to the cops, and their only response was that I was lucky not to have things stolen that I knew of.
Unfortunately I have to lock my truck in the parking lot at work. Lot is not visible from any windows in the office. Several vehicles have lost spare change and tools. One guy had a custom flag attachment for his receiver hitch, lost the whole thing and the flag.
I’m kinda dreading leaving my truck parked for 7 days in the sticks while I hunt this year. I’m thinking of hanging a trail camera up in a tree nearby to watch it, not that I’ll be able to hike out in time to stop it, but maybe the cops can at least get my stuff back if they recognize them.
Sorry to hear that. There is no shortage of no goods out there. Guess it isn't enough that the productive part of society already supports them through our hard work (aka taxes).Guess this is their way of saying thanks. I've been fortunate so far, (my security system. Live in rural area, back off the road and have an alarm system with teeth . When that fails 12 ga. 00buck.)
Well, I left my chest harness in my pickup as usual, but apparently forgot to lock my doors again... I really try. I came out to my truck gone through and my harness, binos and rangefinder gone. It’s my issue that I forgot to lock my doors, but I live in a “safe and quiet neighborhood“ in Spokane. The ideal is being able to leave all our stuff laying out everywhere and no one would touch it, but I guess that isn’t the world we live in… Time to start saving I guess…

Sorry, just trying to inject a little humor into a tough situation. Such a bummer man.

I was in Moscow Idaho hunting whitetails a few years ago. Came back into town early one day and went to a hunting store. Came out and my truck was unlocked but nothing missing. Rifle, Swarovski binos, all hunting gear but nothing touched. I always check my doors too. Got up next morning and the same thing - doors unlocked but nothing gone. Turns out my key fob was messed up and would unlock the doors by itself. Got a new fob right away. Guess I just got lucky
My daughter recently moved to DC, and in the process of changing her car insurance learned that the only company that would even write a policy for that car in DC want $2200 every 6 months for what on a NC policy was $700 every 6 months. Reason they gave was high theft rates for that particular make/model. It’s only a $30k car, so it seems insane to pay $5k/year to insure it. I told her to just get liability coverage for herself and nothing on the car, pay me $500/yr and I’d cover anything that happens to her car out of my pocket. Insane.
I went into the clinic and came back to find my Ford's rear quarter window broken. The fool had woken Rio and left before Rio got him.

My Tacoma got broken into in Albacrakie and they got my PC, briefcase and my elk calls. Prints all over it and they did not dust the truck even. I got some of my documents back when a father caught his daughter dumping them in his trash. He turned her in. They let her go to catch her boyfriend.

One afternoon after work I walked to my Tacoma in the parking lot at the park and there was some guy trying to slip my window open. It took the sheriff an hour to get there and he was ziptied up in the sun. They approved of my gesture but the county did not. The guy tired to sue me. Tried.
When I was on the job we had a huge problem with car prowls and stolen vehicles. It was so bad that we had set out several bait cars in the city. Hell we would be booking guys we caught at one of the bait cars and radio would dispatch to prowl or auto theft in progress.
One night after a long SWAT call I got home and left my go bag in the truck, turned around and took it inside. Later my truck and the daughters got prowled. Month later K-9 officer calls on the radio, “LT you need to come see this” When I get there he has two mopes sitting in a vehicle, waiting for a records return. “They have a bunch of your daughters stuff in the car he said. CDs, gym bag, bunch of other stuff they can’t explain.
Driver decides he’s going to run for it, sprints into a large city park. Back door opens, Vader jumps out: stop or I’ll release the dog is shouted. ”take him” is whispered. About 8 seconds later an 80 pound heat seeking missle struck a 160 pound dirt bag. It was glorious.
I was in Moscow Idaho hunting whitetails a few years ago. Came back into town early one day and went to a hunting store. Came out and my truck was unlocked but nothing missing. Rifle, Swarovski binos, all hunting gear but nothing touched. I always check my doors too. Got up next morning and the same thing - doors unlocked but nothing gone. Turns out my key fob was messed up and would unlock the doors by itself. Got a new fob right away. Guess I just got lucky
Moscow is still MOSTLY that way. I do lock my rig though. This incident I referred to earlier post happened at a hotel in Missoula.
Idiots left a 85mm Swaro ATS spotter laying on the back seat.

BTW - I've driven GM vehicles for years. Most newer ones have an auto-lock setting. Imagine my surprise to learn that my 2017 Sierra does not. When you are shopping GM rigs, make sure this feature code is installed.

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