Caribou Gear Tarp

The joy of shooting a bow


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2016
I had taken a little hiatus from shooting my bow after deer/turkey archery season ended, mainly because it is so cold and dark when I get home from work. But I forced myself to go out and shoot last night and I was struck by just how much I enjoy shooting my bow. During the season I practice but my mind is processing a lot of other information (weather patterns, upcoming days off, hunting opportunities, etc.). I forget how much I enjoy the simple act of drawing back, aiming and releasing. I'm very strongly considering buying a bow for my wife and another one for my daughters so that we can all go out and shoot in the back yard this spring and summer.

I'd love to hear any one else's thoughts on what they like or love about shooting arrows.
Every day after work unless I'm working late. It's how I clear my mind and decompress. My wife is really good at leaving me alone to fling some arrows. It puts me in a better mood.
Every day after work unless I'm working late. It's how I clear my mind and decompress. My wife is really good at leaving me alone to fling some arrows. It puts me in a better mood.
Yeah that's a good policy. Do you shoot in the back yard?
Yep. It's exactly 35 yards from my backdoor to my backstop. I have lights set up so I can shoot after dark.
I've been shooting in my garage a lot lately because of garbage weather. I try for 3-4 sessions a week. It's nice and relaxing...most of the time.
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I love everything about it. It’s a stress reliever for me. Makes me forget about everything else and focus on shot execution.
After the hunting season has ended, I try my best, with weather not being an issue, to shoot my bow 3x's a week. Just 3 arrows into the target, from 10 to 20 yards, just concentrating on form and release. Then as late spring rolls around I work my way up to shooting 3 arrows into a target everyday, each day a different position, whether kneeling, sitting, off of a ladder or just standing. I also increase my distance until I get to 60 yards. This is relaxing for me and helps clear my mind.
Thank you all for chiming in. We had sunny skies yesterday but it was windy and I spent most of the morning wanting to shoot, but not wanting to go out in the wind. In the end I went out and shot at about 15 yards with a cross wind. It was actually fun to stand and full draw and feel the gust of wind and then wait for the slight lull before I released. I'm glad I made the time to shoot yesterday.
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