NEW SITKA Ambient 75


Greenhorn, Now I'm really impressed! Knowing when to push wounded game and when to let it alone is a real tough call!! Congratulations on the right strategy!
Kurt that is awesome. You never stop amazing me. What is most impressive to me is that you shot the animal that you chose during the summer. I don't know too many guys who can do that. The gods have smiled upon you again, my friend

BTW - I got on here tonight to show Brenda your picture and she said the same thing as 1_pointer: "That IS a freak. But what do you call an antelope that looks like that?"
Unbelievably awesome, you ugly SOB!! You're like Babe Ruth pointing to the stands before he knocks another one out of the park....except your called shots are a hell of a lot more difficult than hitting a ball with a stick. Congrats on the bull too, he's no slacker himself.
neat looking goat GH

way to follow through on the initial hit and not give up

great elk as well, remarkable collection of critters you've got

must be needing a new addition to expand the trophy room soon

Very nice, I can't wait to see the monster deer pic's next, maybe you should buy a lottery ticket or two as well. :D :D
Great!!Great!!! lope!!!!
Congrats on your success..You putting it in any fairs this year, or sportsmans shows? :D :D :D

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