The Big Snip - How bad is it?

I had a dealership manager in IL that got one done. Said the incision was smaller than a fingernail. Had it done the afternoon before, he walked around just fine. Tender, but fine.

I probably wouldn’t sneeze, but what do I know?
Easy enough procedure, but speak up if you feel anything on the second side. Apparently it's easier to feel through the numbing agent on the second side so don't hesitate to mention you can feel something.

Worst part for me was smelling the cauterization.

After that plan for an evening of minor discomfort then very minimal discomfort for a day or two. Ice helps but then your severed soldiers want to retreat which causes discomfort because you were just cut there. Kinda a no win but only lasted a night for me.
Probably worst experience of my life. I've been hit with a tazer and it wasn't as bad. Now that I've scared you, let me elaborate. I was told the needle shot was the worst part. Well that wasn't bad. Felt the incision and was like, ok. He grabbed that tube, gave a tug, and I felt it from my sphincter to my throat. Let out a gasp and doc says you ok? Trying to be tough, I give a nod. He cuts the tube and I about pass out. Then the cauterizing and I'm breathing deeply and gasping for breath. He stops and says, do you feel that? I yell F@$k yeah! He says oh crap, that's not good. Gives me another shot. Never felt a thing on the other side. Moral here is if you feel anything, ask for more numbing stuff! True Story.

Now as far as recovery, physically a couple days of rest. Mentally, still not over it. 😂
Probably worst experience of my life. I've been hit with a tazer and it wasn't as bad. Now that I've scared you, let me elaborate. I was told the needle shot was the worst part. Well that wasn't bad. Felt the incision and was like, ok. He grabbed that tube, gave a tug, and I felt it from my sphincter to my throat. Let out a gasp and doc says you ok? Trying to be tough, I give a nod. He cuts the tube and I about pass out. Then the cauterizing and I'm breathing deeply and gasping for breath. He stops and says, do you feel that? I yell F@$k yeah! He says oh crap, that's not good. Gives me another shot. Never felt a thing on the other side. Moral here is if you feel anything, ask for more numbing stuff! True Story.

Now as far as recovery, physically a couple days of rest. Mentally, still not over it. 😂
Like 2 guys above the cauterizing was the worst. No pain but I wasn’t sure what was going on till that sucker started smoking and sounded like a pipe welder laying 6010. 😂

Take it easy and keep up on Tylenol for a few days. I was up and moving pretty good next afternoon.
I had it done Friday and was back at work on Monday and in the ER on Wednesday. Got a very nasty internal staff infection inside of my sac and spread to my right leg. Took almost a year for the recovery and symptoms to go away.

Small amount of Pain for a day or so is normal. Prolonged pain is not. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not Manly to suck it up and drive on. Mine hurt but showed no redness or swelling until Tuesday evening and by Wednesday morning it was unbearable.

ER Urologist exam was as close as I’ve come to passing out from pain.

Don’t be me, take it easy, if you’re prone to infections tell your provider prior to sniping.
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