Tactics for Hunting Elk You Missed


Active member
Apr 7, 2016
Pocatello, Idaho
So I was lucky enough to get on a few bulls this past weekend. One wasn't sure what was going on and moved along (might have caught me moving), and the other I shot at and missed. I have heard to give them at least a week before trying after them again if they weren't shot at, but was wondering if you more experienced hunters have any tactics or pointers on trying a bull again.
On Saturday I was calling with and saw eventually the same bull my brother and I saw the Wednesday before within a couple hundred yards of the spot we called at and eventually spooked said bull. It seems to be where he likes to hang but my past experience is the bulls are covering quite a bit of ground right now but still stay in the general area. Hope this made sense/ helps you!
Yes, that made sense but didn't help a whole lot unfortunately. What I'm curious about is I know the bull is in the area, but I have called them in before. I have heard to let them relax at least a week before trying to call them in again, and I'm wondering if I need to change my calling, setup, time of day, so they don't blow out completely. Or do I just need to try a completely different approach like sitting on a trail knowing that the bull may still be in the area.
I would just keep hunting like you normally would. If they got a good nose full of your scent and blew out of the area, it might be a little tougher to get on them/call them in, but I wouldn't overthink your tactics. If you can hunt another area to let this one rest, great. If not, hunt away.
Yeah, too many "what ifs" to try and switch things up. A friend called a bull in this year, stuck him with an arrow, then called him back in and stuck him with a second arrow. It depends a lot on the personality of the bull and how horny or ornery they are at that particular time. Get back in there and see what happens.
Thanks guys, this is what I was wondering..we are having to hunt some new ground this year, and it's a whole new learning curve going from elk who are not pressured at all to elk that might see some pressure. I'll just keep on pushing, and if he blows out of there, then I can at least say I saw him and tried!
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