Swarovski repair service


Active member
Aug 7, 2014
I got really frustrated after 8 weeks of dealing with this issue, just wanted to lay the facts out and see if I behaved appropriately or got too frustrated.

I traded a pair of vortex binoculars for a pair of swarovski el 10x42's and some cash. Me and the seller exchanged lots of pictures and both tried to describe any issues on the bino's prior to shipping. I was told about scratches and paint chipping on the el's. We both boxed up our binoculars and got ready to send them off. I then asked the seller, please just send my pair directly to Swarovski for a full cleaning and I will have the one ocular lens replaced that is scratched. After 8 weeks of waiting for Swarovski to get ready for my repair, I was then notified that the barrel of the binoculars were smashed (i.e. someone dropped them). I told Swarovksi that they must have the wrong pair or it must have been minor enough I wasn't concerned, and asked to just complete the repairs I wanted and send them back. 2 weeks later I have a pair of binoculars in my hand that have obviously been dropped. I contact the buyer, he says he is shocked. Immediately asks how he fixes it, send me back my other bino's, send me more cash, anything. I told him I would first ask Swarovski some questions to see if they had any role in this issue. Below is the transcript and how things ended with Swaro.


Thanks for looking this over and your response. As you have said, where the truth lies in all of this is unclear and we will unfortunately never know. Going forward here are my thoughts.

I am so disappointed by the customer service I have received, I am going to opt to not fix these bino’s and I am going to sell them to someone and they can decide how to proceed. I am going to provide them all of the details I have, and the estimated costs associated with the repairs and let the new owner decide what he would like to do. I hunt with my young kids, accidents are bound to happed for me (Customer service is a top priority for me), so I am going to give my money to a company that will stand behind me.

Here are the specific reason why I feel Swarovski let me down -
- When I sent the bino’s in, I asked if I could buy new lens caps for the bino’s. I was told they would be included at no charge. I never received them (see email on xx.xx.xx)
- I called a head and talked over the scratched oculars with the technician (this is the only repair I was expecting), I would have hoped this was documented so we could have avoided this surprise. Vortex require you to fill out a form for repairs describing why you are sending something in. That would have helped this situation out a lot, probably worth looking into your competition’s processes.
- When I got the surprise phone call about extra damage, I explained the situation and asked if I could have more pictures or info to help me navigate this. I was never provide the photo’s.
- After submitting my payment for the repairs, I asked if I could get a receipt, I was not given an option at that time to get one immediately, but was told I would get one in my shipment. Never got one.
- The repairs also still note that all glass surfaces should be replaced. I am not an expert in this area, but looking over the two objective lens, one definitely has some scratches, the other lens has zero blemishes I can see with the naked eye. I could be missing something, but makes me question what I am paying for.
- When my package arrived, there was zero documentation about what repairs were completed.
- And the final nail in the coffin – you come back with an offer for repairs, you can’t even offer your “free” services for free. I.e. The only way to get your expedited service is to pay for shipping.

In the end, my take away from this issue…We had a random problem, who know’s who fault. We all could have worked together to make it better, but I feel your side falls short of what I would have hoped for. Swarovski’s reputation was not worth $150, to help make a random problem better. I am not saying it’s your fault, but I can guarantee neither Leupold or Vortex or Burris or Sig would have ever sent me these bino’s back, because they pride themselves on service and their products.

Thanks for your time,


Good Morning Jacob,

I reviewed your case with my manager. We appreciate that you’re giving Swarovski a try and we feel sorry you’re having this issue. Although you’ve provided pictures from the seller and those pictures appear not to show the damage we’ve brought to your attention, we feel that since you weren’t physically shown the product before you purchased it- this in itself does not place the responsibility for the damage on Swarovski Optik, there are just too many variables in play here. As we discussed yesterday we pride ourselves on our integrity as a company and we’re unwilling to take ownership of causing this damage to your binoculars.

We don’t want to leave you hanging with a pair of non-usable EL’s, so here’s what we’re willing to do to help you out.

We cannot just waive the cost of the materials on your repair, but if you’d like to return your binoculars to us to complete any of the repairs listed below from your previous service order we will send you a shipping label to get your product to us and we can reduce the cost of any further repair you elect to do by 20%. Your product should be returned to you within a similar timeframe as the first time they were in here.

Or, you could send your binoculars to us at your cost, we’ll give you a complimentary expedited service ($50 expedited fee savings) so your product will be returned within 10 business days of our receiving your EL’s and we will still waive 20% of the repair charges.

Based on your previous service order here’s what remains to be done:

Replacement of both ocular lenses (scratched) for $150. (Completed already)
**Replacement of both objective lenses (scratched) for $200.
**The repair of the right side of the housing for $150.

Given all the pieces in play here Jacob we feel this is a fair resolution from our end.
Please think this situation over and let me know if we can be of service to you. If you’d like to get your binos back in here, let me know and I’ll have my repair administrator give you a call to set it up.

Best Regards,



Thanks for your time today, and I appreciate you looking into this. Again, not trying to point fingers at anyone. Currently everyone seems shocked that the bino’s have this damage, just trying to gather info on what might have happened.

Seeing the packaged arrived in good condition, leaves me with two possible outcomes:
The seller lied to me
They got damaged while in Swaro’s possession
I have attached some pictures…anything showing damage to the “rim” of the bino housing are my pictures. All the other pictures are what was provided to me, by the sell as he was describing the condition of the bino’s. Note – he is showing me “scratches” to the lenses, and the paint chipping. It doesn’t appear he is hiding things with the photo’s. Was the old green armor in any way different than the new one, that it could have possibly concealed this damage? In it’s current form, I can’t hide the damage.

Image # 5728 – My photo showing the damage
Image # 5727 – My image
Image # 5726 – My image

All other images were provided to me by the seller.



Good Afternoon Jake,

Thank you for taking a few minutes to discuss your repair with me this afternoon. Please see the attached sales order receipt. On it you’ll find an itemized list of the work we performed while your product was here in Cranston for repair.

As we discussed, I’ve looked into the repair estimate. We evaluated your product on 3/22 and followed up with a call to you the same morning. Our chief technician noted the right objective was damaged in the remarks.
We noted also on 2/5 that the condition of the package upon arrival was “good.”
cid:[email protected]

I’ll have a discussion with my manager and we can discuss this situation further.

I sent in a set of SLC 10*42 that I had had for about 10 years. They suddenly became unusable with the focus spinning freely. Swaro identified the problem said that it was caused by dropping them. and fixed if for $300. I certainly have dropped by binoculars been bucked off a horse with them and generally used them pretty hard but they failed while I was sitting down without any hard use for months. Customer service was professional and fixed everything after calling for approval. I can't criticize any thing they did. I did hope sort of expect that an internal failure of an alpha product like Swarovski that resulted from use/abuse that did not damage the exterior would be fixed free of charge. I a can say I love my Swarovski optics and the performance is worth the cost.
good luck
I’ve sent several items into Swarovski for cleaning or repair with no problems. Your problem is difficult because either the seller or Swaro broke the binos. Luckily for you, you can walk away.
Swarovski has always been great to me but I usually send my stuff in through a dealer. Maybe theres more going on behind the scenes?
Obviously in hindsight you'd been better off receiving the item and inspecting it yourself and then shipping them off. I think online buying can be tricky. I'm not going to rule who's at fault but in my experience, and I've been burned online, It tends to be the seller. Swaro I'm sure deals with many binos a day in service I find it hard to believe that they would be damaged in the manner mentioned at the repair facility. Sorry about your situation.
I watch some Judge Judy and I'm pretty sure she'd say her ruling is in favor of the Defendant Swarovski. Sucky deal all the way around
Bad deal, you always have to be very cautious with online purchases, unfortunately some sellers aren't honest.
That's exactly opposite of the service I've got from Swarovski. Sent in binos a few times for cleaning and a focus knob problem and also a spotter for cleaning.
How do you know it was Swarovski fault the binos were damaged? Maybe it was during the shipping from the seller to them. The seller should file a claim with whoever shipped them. Or maybe the seller is dishonest in his photos originally.
What I would do is get my binos/money back from the seller and let him deal with Swarovski.
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That's a crappy situation all around. The one time I sent my swaros in, customer service was great. They aren't as fast as some of the others but the issue with my binoculars was the result of an over-greased O-ring and they fixed it free of charge. Depending on how much you spent on them in the first place, I'd consider paying the $500.
That’s crappy for sure. I might be interested in them depending on what you have to get out it.
I've had nothing but great service from Swaro. Sounds to me like yours got damaged in shipping and the carrier needs to step up and pay an insurance claim on them.
I have a great friend who had a similar poor experience with Swaro customer service. He had a pair that wouldn't focus right and sent them in. They said a prism was out of alignment and that it must have been dropped. They had never been dropped, were always carried around in a pouch and well cared for. They quoted the $300 to fix them. For that reason, I've chosen to spend my money on other brands.
I thought this kind of stuff only happened to guys like me....

Not trying to be a jerk but your story makes me feel slightly better about my past and current experiences with all types of gear.
I watch some Judge Judy and I'm pretty sure she'd say

That might be my new favorite hunt talk quote.

Bum deal GearJunky, that's a sticky spot to be in. Pretty lame to spoil yourself on such nice glass and then have the experience tainted. I hope it works out.
Swaro been velly good to me..they refurbished some SLC's I snagged on the dirt cheap with a compromised tube. Came back like brand new & I paid shipping only....early 2000's.
So a little more to the story. Swarovski has confirmed from their records, when the box arrived to them, it was in “good condition.

Things that make me doubt the seller lies:
He had to have these fake photos ready, but still show me the minor scratches and paint chips I asked for.
He was going to send the binos direct to me, I asked to save time and go to Swarovski... so magically he lucked out, if he was lying??
The seller paid Swarovski for me to repair the scratched ocular because he knew it needed fixing.
The seller provided me all sorts of personal work information so I could look him up and see he is legit and has a great banking position, doesn’t appear to be a low life.

These are my photos. Also shows I can’t hide this damage

These are some of the photos sent to me
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Regardless of who actually damaged the binos Swaro screwed up here. If your bad customer service experience keeps 1 person from buying a pair of binos swaro comes out behind. They are easily making 1K in profit buy selling a pair of EL 10x42s it's insane they would let $500 (which is probably more like $200 because they definitely aren't doing these repairs for you at cost) potentially tarnish their rep and keep them from selling more product. Why do leupold and vortex have such great warranties and try so hard, because they know that word of mouth is valuable marketing and for every story about some guy sending in a damaged scope and having it come back like new they are going to sell 5.

This is just piss poor business and customer service. I had a similar experiences with Schnee's boots and then had a completely amazing customer service experience with Sea to summit, Stone Glacier, and western mountaineering. Some companies get it some don't.
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feel for you. you learned a hard lessson. No way you can defend condition of binos received by swaro cuz you never laid your hands on them. Pretty spendy item to send on a path that did not include you ever having them in hand. Were you trying to save 15 bucks in shipping or what?
Why do leupold and vortex have such great warranties and try so hard, because they know that word of mouth is valuable marketing and for every story about some guy sending in a damaged scope and having it come back like new they are going to sell 5.

How often do you get the same exact item back from Leupold or Vortex? Some Vortex scopes don't even have serial numbers. I sent in a scope to Vortex and instead of them fixing my original item they just give you a new one. Something does add up when its just cheaper to give the customer a new product instead of fixing the problem product. I cannot speak for Leupold warranty work, as I have never had issues. But as far as my SLC's go, I have had nothing but the best of luck with Swarovski's customer service.
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