Southwest Montana Archery Pronghorn (900 Series)


Oct 30, 2014
Reno, NV
Hi all - this is my first post on HT but I've been reading this forum for years. As the name implies, I am from Alaska but now live in Nevada. I've hunted just about everything in between and I absolutely drool for hunting pronghorn. I am happy to provide additional details on my story if necessary but I'm looking for a little guidance and excited to get involved more actively in the forum.

I drew a 900 Series archery pronghorn tag in Montana this year. In the essence of time and scheduling I am heading up there 9/28 to 10/3 (just before the lead starts flying) and was considering focusing my attention on 318, 300, and 330. I don't have dreams of a B&C trophy on this tag but would love to get on a few stalks a day with hopes of a decent goat. Thinking about starting near Grant, Medicine Lodge, or Lima Reservoir areas. Any thoughts on places to focus and insight on these potential areas is much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
There is a lot of BLM near Grant. Should be a good spot. I've seen a few antelope driving through there this year. It is also hilly which might help with the spot and stalk. I can't speak to the other two spots.
Thanks Southern Elk! The Grant area was going to be my first stop for those reasons. Heard good things about the area.
Perfect, thanks! My trusty tent cot will come in handy. I will look into the location.
There is Ok numbers of antelope in those areas, just not as impressive as it should or could be. Kinda disappointing if you ask me. As far as places to start your already there. Good luck!
Thanks for the info shoots-straight. I'll just keep driving until I see something worth going after I guess.
The good thing about antelope is they aren't hard to find. Just keep driving and using your onx maps til you find one in a good place to stalk. You only have a few days; you don't want to spend them on bad setups.
Thanks for the info shoots-straight. I'll just keep driving until I see something worth going after I guess.

^ this is how I use the 900 tag when I draw it. In region 3 zones you could have 3-10 stalks a day. Region 5,6,7 even more.
Good advice - I'll definitely be using onXmaps and following your recommended method. I am looking for 'good' opportunities not 'every' opportunity. Thanks!
Check out the BMA west of horse prairie creek off Lehmi Pass rd. Usally see some goats down there while Im elk hunting.
Will do Camdu7 - thanks for the tip - I'm anticipating putting on a lot of miles on the truck and the boots.
Wanted to give everyone that helped me out an update. Just got back from the hunt. Hunted the Grant and Medicine Lodge areas. Put on 21 stalks in 3 days. Launched one arrow at 49 yards and missed. He took a step up the hill and away and it went right under his chest. The antelope were really skiddish and closing the 100 yard gap was tough to near impossible. Decoys didn't work at all. I think I would have liked to have been there 2 weeks earlier when the rut was in full swing and they were responding to decoys as a challenge. And it was too dang cold to sit water holes. They just weren't using them as much. Not sure what strategy would have got it done but I learned a lot and had a ton of fun chasing pronghorn around the hillsides. Thanks for all the advice!

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