Sound Off - 100% Debt Free

You're out of touch with reality. $18-$25 an hour is a bullshit wage in Montana. Rent alone is probably $1500-$1600 a month. Fuel is $3 a gallon, a decent used vehicle probably $20k. What about phone and power bills? Been to the grocery store lately? Auto insurance?

Try some math...and quit living in the past.

Thanks for the wake up call. How many elk is it now that you’ve killed. You should be an accountant…
For the second time in my life I'm once again 100% debt free from the Ex, my bookie, the credit cards, the wheels.....EVERYONE !

Yes, I pulled some extreme overtime (13 months). Yes, I did not communicate well with friends & family. YES, my a$$ is tired!

SOOO, starting next week I am going to start taking VaCa days for the next couple/three months and letting all those other numb nuts put in 'their' time while I go trout fishing and chasing a Big A$$ Ohio whitetail ! ;)

Any one else out there in the same financial position ?
Congrats! Being a slave to the lender is no fun. Not 100% there yet, just have a few more things to go.
Been debt free on our first home since 2017. Needed to move up the road an hour or so to assist an aging MIL until her passing. We purchased a second home at a good price before home prices went crazy. Rented our first home out to some friends and stayed in the second home until this spring. Flipped it and added 200k in the retirement funds from that sell. Debt free on everything else and plugging along into the end of our careers. We both have healthy 401k/TSP accounts and I'm sitting good on a federal pension down the road. We hope to retire in the next 6-10 year time frame. Life is good and we are happy.

It's a great feeling to be out from under debt and loans. We have been very blessed considering.