Soon to be ... black market bacon?

I saw that this morning to. I will admit, chickens and turkeys being crammed and packed into a cafo does gross me out and pork from a hog raised on a natural diet does have better flavor. But at the same time the price and space to raise enough pork, poultry and eggs for consumption will be astronomical.
My cows are out. I gotta go get them back in and repair more fence. I just hope their flatulence isn’t so bad that I die from methane poisoning today.
We thought the exodus from California to our states was bad already, it is about to get exponentially worse with this now.
Those are some good looking pigs, look at the size of those hams and the muscling in their back straps. What breed/breeds are they?
They're crosses definitely some duroc in there, buddy of mine breeds them for show pigs. These were leftovers from his sale. Walked through a neighboring county fair barn the other day pretty sure my "feeder pigs" would of dominated it.
There crosses definitely some duroc in there, buddy of mine breeds then for show pigs. These were leftovers from his sale. Walked through a neighboring county fair barn the other day pretty sure my "feeder pigs" would of dominated it.
I figured they were Duroc crosses with the big floppy ears and the build they have. We have had really good luck with Duroc crosses, we have three in our freezer right now as a matter of fact. We didn't do any this year because the market for weiner pigs was almost as bad as going to the lumber yard.
I figured they were Duroc crosses with the big floppy ears and the build they have. We have had really good luck with Duroc crosses, we have three in our freezer right now as a matter of fact. We didn't do any this year because the market for weiner pigs was almost as bad as going to the lumber yard.
Yup them ears give it away.
Not a hunting topic per se but WTH?🤯

These animals are in rough ass living conditions most times.. Californians can go without, they voted for it! More for us though?!

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