Son's MT elk

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Thought I would post a picture of my son's first elk. Not bad for 15 year-old. Not sure where he goes from here, but it will be downhill.


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Yeah, I'd say that's one good looking bull. What's the story on this brute? Nice field photo BTW.
The Story

Here's the story.

This is his first elk. Public land, do-it-yourself, hunt in a limited entry permit in central Montana. Scouted him the week prior to opener. Opening morning, this guy was within 200 yards of where he had been each of the days prior to the opener. Matthew drilled him at 275 yards with 300 Win Mag. This beast took three 180 grain Hornady Interbond SST's before saying "Uncle". All shots were in the lungs. The first shot was probably enough, but with a nice bull like this I told him to keep shooting. No sense in taking chances when ammo is the least expensive part of the hunt.

Then for the fun. This bull was far away from the roaded area where most other people were hunting. No roads means long packing job. As you can see by the photo, it was all up hill. It was 22 hours later before we got the last boned out piece to camp. So, I guess he earned it. He said he would do it all over again, so it must have been worth the effort.

Some good friends had archery hunted the area and had tried to get this bull. They told me where he was, and they were right on target. I almost feel bad that the bull won't be there for them to hunt next year. Those guys are getting old, so they wouldn't have wanted to pack this dude out of that hole. Yeah, right!

Hope you all had a good hunting season!
Looks like a young fella to keep Greenhorn honest in years to come, my congrats for a great trophy and to a damn fine young hunter.

"Not sure where he goes from here, but it will be downhill."

Yeah, you are right... Nothing left for your boy out there... REALLY! why don't you let me know where you took that bull, and I'll do him the favor of hunting that spot next year...
Seriously though, congrats! :D
Congratulations. From the sounds of it (22 hr. packout) you didn't spoil him too bad. :D
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