Son in law getting deployed.....


New member
Nov 24, 2003
My new son in law is being deployed to Iraqi. He is being shipped out Jan 4th. Daughter is freaking out. They got married on Nov 12th the day I got my buck. She is 12 - 13 hrs from home herself. They havent even got into there base housing yet. They just get there house next week. My 2 grand kids and daughter are going to be there with no one there they know. Jacob has done alot for my daughter and grand kids. He took out a huge life insurance policy threw the military and daughter is not even the sole bene on it. He is making sure the grandkids will be set up. Can not ask for a better son in law. He is making sure she has everything set up for her and the kids. I am pretty stressed also as she might even be prego. Man what a mess. Kids stress me out more than anything. Good stress though. Just needed to get this off my chest.
He did a year already in Afghan and just got transferred from Hawaii.
My neighbor is going in Jan. too. He's in the air force, he goes for 4 months. Army guys go for a year, I guess. Can she move home in the meantime? Would that be less stress for everybody? Tell him I said thanks and I hope he does some good and kills some bad guys and all that.
Hang in there, SS! He'll be fine. Just keep him in your prayers as we will in ours! God bless him for serving our country! Keep your daughter close and give her lots of love. Her man will be home soon.
Remember that it won;t be easy for him, either. When I was in 'Nam, it was hard enough to be there and missing my wife and baby son made it worse. So be sure to write him - he will really appreciate all letters from home, not just from his wife. Just hearing about the simple things at home, like the garbage disposal going out or the car breaking down or the neighbors' problems all provide a link to back home.

Thank him for all of us. Thank your daughter, too, for her sacrifices. "They also serve, who wait at home."
Make sure that she is put in contact with the local units support systems. There are wives of other members of your SIL's unit who will help her through this time. My wife stayed behind in Germany when I was deployed to the first Gulf War. That local support was invaluable as a way for my wife to talk to other people in her same situation, to keep her busy and more importantly to share in the information each wife got back from her spouse. The troops over there also have access to the internet and send frequent emails.

When my BIL deployed my brother and I purchased a webcam for him to take along so his three girls could see him live and in person at least every other week. It helped bridge the miles and helped show that daddy was okay. My brother is in Baghdad right now and we communicate with him via email almost daily.

Just some thoughts from somebody who has been there and done that.

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