Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Solo Wyoming

cool this isnt even half of them I cant wait passed on WAY to many bulls this past year it was going to bug me for the next 3-5 years. I like to go into this as a full fledged boat anchor... 0 points, let my charm do the bargaining for me...
I agree but in my opinion an elk hunt is not the place to go on a first hunt with someone. Been there done that.
Yup, I must have missed that first go around. Have also BTDT on more than one occasion and concur that an elk hunt is a different kettle of than deer or lopes... many (aka MOST) underestimate what’s involved- those critters make there living in their feet, it’s typically a physically hunt, and the fun really begins when you get one on the ground. Agreed!!
Yup, I must have missed that first go around. Have also BTDT on more than one occasion and concur that an elk hunt is a different kettle of than deer or lopes... many (aka MOST) underestimate what’s involved- those critters make there living in their feet, it’s typically a physically hunt, and the fun really begins when you get one on the ground. Agreed!!
Yep a deer hunt first is a good way to get to know what kind of drive and attitude a person has before jumping in on an elk hunt
I’m in the same boat as you, I’m burning them on a general tag. I do think the general tag is going to take a lot of points in the near future to get. I’ve only hunted WY once so I’m no help in general units. Stats look good all over though.
Find a successful general unit hunter who just used their points recently. Use their knowledge and your points to have a good general unit hunt for both of you.

That'd be me! Although I'm considering going for a type 9 special (hoping for some luck in the random draw) instead of the general in 2021.
That’s my plan. Just haven’t decided if I’m going general or if I’ll go limited entry or spend more to get into the special
The problem with 4-5 points and LE units, is either they have very limited public access or they are in the wilderness and for out of staters, that puts a kink in the plans. I would go general and in another 5 years draw the same unit again, maybe.
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