Caribou Gear Tarp

SoDak Bison thoughts


Oct 10, 2017
Alexandria, VA
There are trophy and non trophy Bison tags available for Custer State Park in SoDak. Based on my research they are guided only and the park official that accompanies you picks the animal being harvested based on predetermined criteria. I know Big Fin has spoken out about the importance of Bison and Bison preservation/conservation but was wondering the community’s feeling on this type of hunt. No doubt the park is just a smaller ecosystem that must be managed as we manage other public lands but it still seeems strange picking an animal out. Thanks for any of your thoughts and opinions!
In the case of Custer State Park these animals are nothing more than livestock being managed as wildlife in the public's eye. The park has a very limited carrying capacity with little or no danger of predation so they cull what is necessary. The hunt is based on the type of permit you they want to make sure you're not shooting a young bull when you have a cow tag plus I'm sure there is a lot of liability involved so the state wants to control as much as possible in the "hunt"
I got to pick from a group which one I wanted to shoot. The group was comprised of animals to be in that group. But, IMO, the non-trophy hunt isn't much of a hunt. Neat/fun experience, but I won't be putting back in at the current tag price.

I have no problem with the program and how they keep the herd's numbers in check.
The only reason my dad and I are considering one is because we are going to split the costs right down the middle. When we decided to try and draw, I will pay half of the tag, half of the processing, etc.. He gets the tag and to shoot it, we split the meat. Probably a non-trophy. He wants to make a buffalo robe and do a skull mount up. If we weren't splitting costs, I'm with 1_pointer...the cost is getting pretty rough to stomach.
I consider the SD hunts no different than any of the hunts offered from large you can get a better all around deal from the ranches.
I consider the SD hunts no different than any of the hunts offered from large you can get a better all around deal from the ranches.

This...there are several ranches and some reservations are cheaper plus you don't have to wait. You could even get in on a "hunt" during the winter when the hides are in good shape.
If it is truly something you want to do, then go do it and have a great time. However, I don't think this "hunt" is actually doing anything to help bison conservation. Kind of like what you hear sometimes talked about in Africa, put the native animals in a pen so they don't get shot by poachers, but in doing so they are no longer the wild species worthy of conserving unless they can be wild and free again. I personally could not sign up for a "hunt" like this as the experience of wild, free ranging wildlife is the main trophy I am always after. Although, I do get a warm fuzzy feeling when I drive by bison running across the plains and in my head I hear the song "Booooooooorn freeeeeeeeee".
I thought SD had serious point creep on the bison hunts. True? If so, would be a while before the folks ahead of you all draw out. Like a decade or more. May not be 100% harvest by then a things change based on politics and squeaky wheels. Your dad may be in great health now so no biggie to wait a few years. You might want to look at a ranch hunt, though. About the same cost after figure in door to door. The challenge level might be higher if a big ranch.
Thanks all for the conversation! I think in the end it's probably a good way for Custer State Park to earn a few dollars (along with SDGFP) managing their herd. For me, I'll use my AK residency and hold out for a Delta tag. Cheers
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