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So What did BHA do to Tick Off Lobowatch

Northwoods Labs

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2015
Danbury, Wisconsin
Saw this pretty hilarious rant on social media. I guess the wildfires you folks in Montana are dealing with are completely the fault of wilderness areas and lack of management by the Forest Service. Nothing to do with the drought I suppose. I guess since I support wilderness areas in my state and throughout the country I am a radical environmentalist. Oh well...time to scout some geese with my "phony" friends.

"BACKCOUNTRY HUNTERS & ANGLERS ... One phony sportsman organization!
The biggest phony in the state of Montana is Land Tawney - who heads the even more phony Backcountry Hunters & Anglers. Tawney has been nothing more than a hack for the environmentalists who are to blame for all the major fires now destroying much of Montana and neighboring states.
In Montana, this summer alone we have already lost more than 1,000,000 acres to wildfires. Those fires were due to mismanaged forests by the U.S. Forest Service - who have been denied the opportunity to properly keep our forests healthy ... thanks to multiple lawsuits filed by radical environmental groups to prevent needed thinning and removal of dead timber.
Tawney's position as CEO of Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is little more than a front ... allowing that phony sportsman group to openly attack better management of our public lands. Such as the story at the link provided here. This story was published by another liberal environmental scam job - High Country News.
Land Tawney actually works for a couple of those radical environmental groups - the National Wildlife Federation and its Montana affiliate the Montana Wildlife Federation. (Note ... he also sits on Senator Jon Tester's "Sportsman Advisory Council" ... pushing for more wilderness and less access for the average American.)
The National Wildlife Federation is a major "Collaborating Partner" of the Agenda 21/Wildlands Network idiocy known as the "Yellowstone To Yukon Conservation Initiative" ... which intends to establish a humanless wild corridor running from Yellowstone National Park to the arctic regions of the Yukon.
And, oh yes, Tawney's radical environmentalist agenda driven Backcountry Hunters & Anglers is also a "Collaborating Partner" of the "Yellowstone To Yukon Conservation Initiative"! So, please read this article ... knowing who he is ... who he represents ... and exactly what Backcountry Hunters & Anglers really is!
And most Americans thought ONLY Real Men lived in Montana. Here's one that's as phony as they come..."
Ha, Tobias resurfaces every once in a while. The fact that his anti wolf site rails against Tester is next level irony.

Wonder how the Astro van is running these days.
What a nut. A couple of his big supporters/followers live near me and I've had the displeasure to meet them a couple times, scary level of crazy among them. Amazing the conspiracies people are able to come up with when they have nothing better to do.

So is the FS to blame for grasslands burning up as well?
What's BHAS view on public land trapping?I'm curious as most trappers seem to really dislike the group as well
Hopefully mixedbag can come up with some answers for the questions posed here. dukesdaddy failed to provide answers for questions asked in another somewhat similar situation.........
Fake news,:) Schaaf.....................
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This may be what he's referencing. I seem to remember that about 2 years ago RMEF posted something about fake conservation groups. It seemed to be pointed at a host of organizations like BHA but was actually directed towards MWF. I can't find the post but got a response when I challenged their post and threatened to cancel my membership.

EDIT: Found it...

My local RMEF chapter is about as fake a conservation group as I can think of. Interactions with them were part of the reasons I'm no longer an RMEF member.
That there is some serious tin foil hat types. Agenda 21, chemtrails, and the UN. All in one post. Good for a nice chuckle though.
Acually,the REEF had something on facebook regarding BHA.I noticed it yesterday and thought that was interesting.I'm not bringing up any fake stuff.Nothing like oil and gas rigs taking over all our land or anything like that.I leave the fake stuff to alot of you guys on here.Look it up.I'd for sure rather be part of RMEF over environmentalist groups like Green Peace,Foot loose or BHA
Can you provide a link like the one I provided for you when you asked what BHA's position on public land trapping was?

You seem to be trying to connect dots that don't exist. Nobody but you has noticed a rift between RMEF and BHA.
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I've been a member of different conservation/hunting organizations over the years and I don't know whether it's me who has changed or these organizations who have, but BHA is the only one I currently belong to, I will join MWF again shortly. I tend to think some of these organization are the ones who have changed (not for the better) in my opinion either. It's as if they get too big for their britches and start catering a bit too much to the well to do sportsman and outfitters for my liking. I keep a close eye on organizations and individuals who I respect and admire for what they do and what they stand for to make sure they stay on course. I'll never become a lifetime member for these very reasons.
I am a member of BHA and RMEF. I grew up trapping, just don't have the time to devote to it presently.

I haven't seen any rif between any of these and gladly support both organizations.

I would suggest showing some actual facts.
If it pisses off Lobowatch, it is likely a good thing. I'm surprised Lobowatch is still around. If you were to read some of their literature from years back all the elk, cows, and most of the people should have been eaten by massive and hyper-rational United Nations sponsored wolves by now.

I keep a close eye on organizations and individuals who I respect and admire for what they do and what they stand for to make sure they stay on course. I'll never become a lifetime member for these very reasons.

Not that I have ever been in a position to afford one, but I will never become a lifetime member of any organization. We've seen sacred cows turn around and gore us: RMEF with the Roadless Area Release Act, Ducks Unlimited with Don Thomas. I've come back around on RMEF, but my membership is contingent on my contemporary view of them.

I'm a member of BHA. I think they are a fantastic organization. But a large sum of money symbolizing a "Lifetime Membership" can create a strange unconditional allegiance, when it is better that membership and merit go hand in hand through time.
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