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Sleeping out under the stars…


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2018
So, this sounds like a cool thing to do to watch the stars with my son out in northern WY, sleeping out under the stars. But am I crazy for being a little nervous about a rattlesnake or scorpion ending up in my or my son’s sleeping bag? Is that a thing, or just some old urban (er, rural) legend? The simplicity of rolling out a couple of mats and sleeping bags and no tent (as long as the wind is calm) just sounds appealing for at least one night. Otherwise we’re sleeping in the back of the expedition
I would recommend cots if you already have them on site. Otherwise, I think it just depends where you do it tbh. I had this poisonous #*^@#* in our tent the other night so I would stay away from places that hold little jerks that might want to come say hi. If you're just in a field, mice are more likely to come say hi than anything

Do it all the time. Never an issue except for ants once. Only time ive ever used the bug net on my bivy. Great way to save weight when the weathers good. Tents are overrated. Its funny how some people see them as a must have that magically protects them from fair weather and animals.
I’ve got a sleeper hammock (REI Quarter Dome Air) that gets me off the ground and makes for a more peaceful night’s rest. Also has a zippered screen cover that helps if bugs are bad, as well as as a separate rain cover that you can put over it if the weather gets bad.
Thanks y’all. I think that they’re calling for overnight lows in the lower 40s and highs in the 60s. I HOPE that critters aren’t as active, and I don’t have any cots.
Hundreds of thousands did it for 3+ years during the Civil War.

In country with much more creepy crawlers.
I’ve done it plenty. If mosquitoes are bad, forget it. I’ve had the most trouble with mice because they are active at night, and curious. I once had one chew the plastic off my eyeglasses bow.
Hundreds of thousands did it for 3+ years during the Civil War.

In country with much more creepy crawlers.

They also ate rattlesnake on a daily basis and considered it a delicacy treat at the end of the day. (It is very good)
I’d bet it’s to cold for that issue anyways now this late in the year
They also ate rattlesnake on a daily basis and considered it a delicacy treat at the end of the day. (It is very good)
500k soldiers x 365 days x 3 years

That would be 547,500,000 rattlesnakes.

Rations sucked, especially for the south. I'm sure any snake that got caught would be eaten.

But I doubt it was daily, or widespread.
Below 50 degrees, there will be no mosquitoes. Put down a ground cloth. As long as it's not on top of an anthill the odds of any issues are laughingly small.

What might still happen? If a mist roles in you'll wake up with some moisture/frost on your gear.
500k soldiers x 365 days x 3 years

That would be 547,500,000 rattlesnakes.

Rations sucked, especially for the south. I'm sure any snake that got caught would be eaten.

But I doubt it was daily, or widespread.
Obviously I wasn't meaning a snake a day per man.... but I appreciate your ability to show me that you can do simple math.

I love "cowboy camping" and have slept out more times than I can remember. Mountain tops are my favorite place to sleep under the stars.

My most memorable incident happened years ago on a solo backpack. I knew the weather was going to be good, so rolled out my ground tarp, ensolite pad (that will date me lol) and sleeping bag, and settled in for the night. Around 3:00 in the morning an odd feeling slowly woke me out of my sleep. Becoming conscious of some pressure on my chest, I gently undid the drawcord on my mummies hood and peeked out. I found myself quite literally nose to nose with a skunk, who was standing on top of me in my bag! Maintaining my composure, we had a brief staring contest until he lost interest, got off me, and proceeded to root around in my cook gear before heading off into the night. Whew, no harm no foul!