Sitka Black Tail deer video clips

flying in to Larsen bay. We booked a trip with ninilchik charters. going from november 10 to the 17th. I keep hearing about calling to these deer during the rut. Can anybody shed some light on this for me?
a doe bleat will work fine, i've never rattled them, but i always carry a doe bleat, their hearing is awesome, but their brains aren't that fantastic, they'll come in on a string if they are rutting, problem sometimes is the doe they are with are hotter than you are and they won't leave. pre rutt is probably a better time to call. bottom line, try everything, you never know what will tickle their fancy on any given day.
Be hoping the snow lets up down there, die off has started already, most the fawns have gone down to deep snow, the mature deer are still looking ok but they are worried about them and they've still got three months to go!
I'll be hunting out of Akhiok with Alaska Coastal Marine the same week you are with Ninilchik. I sure hope the snow there lets up. If there is a big winter kill, I'm sure that being there is still going to be better than here.

We almost went with the ACM. But the dates were booked. Guess it was you that took the spot. If the herd goes to crap that will be my luck. "OH YOU SHOULD OF SEEN IT BEFORE THE BIG DIE OFF"" wouldn't that suck!!!!!

Brwnbr, You haven't seen one of the guys going with us. If I can get him to were a hat like Idahobugler made I think they'll think he is kind of hot. He's a little guy that those bucks will love all night long!!!hump.

WFGinNM please tell me it is not snowing south of ALB. I am Heading to Socorro next week for an oryx hunt on the missle range. My sister is in Taos and said it has been snowing since yesterday in TP. Alot invested in that tag to get screwed by weather.

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