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Shop Story #2 - Death by Dysentery (A New Mexico Elk Hunting Tragedy)

Been there done that. I don't have the iron stomach some have and have allergies. I am very allergic to soy fillers that are in many hot dogs. I ate about 3 of them that night and ended up with loose stool a good part of the next 3 days. Spent those days manning the camp because I didn't dare go too far away from camp and could not ride a horse for a week without having to dismount and drop my drawers quick as I can.
Sounds like a great “cleanse” you could bill as the 5 alarm cleanse, garunteed to lose 5lbs. I bet you’d make a buttload of money 💰 😂
hahaha classic. Love these. There have been a few mornings duck hunting where I have had to do some panic stricken scrounging around in my pack for something to use because of an emergency. Now I use a Folgers coffee can to store a roll of TP. I have that baby in my truck or pack at all times, it has saved myself and others in situations
Lordy, that was painful to watch yet hilarious. Had an issue on a wilderness hunt and as you are counting the dwindling stack of wet wipes in the quart ziploc to figure out the odds all is going to be okay, or not okay, then that is not a calming exercise. Wet wipes are much better than tp, especially on multi-day hunts camping in a tent.
My truck has a roll of TP and a container of biodegradable wet wipes in one of the underfloor compartments. This was the first addition to the "live-in" items when I bought the truck. I have never donated a sock or shirt sleeve to the mountain, and I intend to keep it that way.

Also have sunscreen, bug spray, a decent knife, puffy jacket, road atlas, cliff bar, bottle of water, Ziploc bag, trash bag, and bear spray during hiking season.
Randy, I watched this episode last night with my wife. I can't recall a time we have laughed soo hard. Being I have Crohns Disease, I can't go anywhere without an ample supply of TP. My truck, my tractor, my UTV, and every back pack I own has a roll in it. In my case, just like clock work exactly 2 hours after I eat something it is time. I would not wish it on anyone. No way could I even handle 1 or 2 alarm chili.

Keep up the great work we truly enjoy your videos.
The crew talked me into doing another "Shop Story." This one about a New Mexico elk hunt that never made TV, thanks to a camera guy who quit the night before the hunt, some flat tires, and 5-alarm chili that came me a case of dysentery such that for the next week I could hardly walk due to rawness on my bottom side. The crew laughs when I talk about how I felt I had "Ridden bareback on a belt sander" as my reference to what GI problems and bad TP can do to a guy in the wilds of our public lands.

Not that I had any political aspirations, but what I might have had are all gone after airing of this story. Apologize if some of it is TMI.

Big Fin Thanks for keeping it REAL and NOT HOLLYWOOD
This was a great episode. Keep the shop stories coming. :D

My wife was napping on the couch while I watched this episode and I woke her up with my laughter. "Here lies Randy Newberg, victim of 5 alarm chili. Shit himself to death". Classic.
So now every time one of the HTers eats something that disagrees with them and needs an overabudance of TP, they are going to say they are experiencing a Randy Newberg episode?
Mrs said I had to watch in headphones, Then she had to come see why I was laughing so hard.

BTDT - 1992. Came out of 5 days in the Selway to a great burger at Jillinda's. I ended up planked from headrest to floorboard in my buddy's truck, clenched. That cost me a pair of no-longer-white cotton long bottoms.
Had a good laugh today as a truck stop jalapeño laxative burger made me remember this thread. Poor bastard in the stall next to me had to be scratching his head between the groans, chuckling, sounds of lava hitting water serenaded the walls of the stall.
Thanks for the good laugh. We have all been there at some point in our hunting careers. If you read this and say to yourself, "I haven't," then just know it is in your future!
So now every time one of the HTers eats something that disagrees with them and needs an overabudance of TP, they are going to say they are experiencing a Randy Newberg episode?
Yep, and what makes Randy Newberg such a great producer of podcasts, videos, Hunt Talk info threads, campfire stories, life lessons, and such, is that he is a real person with a gift of expression to which we hunters can all relate with interest and enthusiasm ... plus he has more life lesson experiences, humorous hunting times, learning events, and good ol' times than Charmin has tissue sheets.

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