Share your efforts getting new people into hunting!


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2012
Elk Bugler has a thread going about the reasons for the decline in hunter numbers that led me to post this topic. I think it would be great to hear what people on this forum are doing to get more hunters involved and how they are doing it. Let's learn from each other and celebrate our successes! Share what has worked and maybe more importantly, what has not or what you have learned. I'll chime in later on with my efforts!
Have a friend who is getting into hunting so I showed him all the gear he should get and then did a lot of small game hunting with him this fall. I then also had him put in for the draw this year for an ES archery deer tag and doe rifle tag. We were going to do turkey but it might be a little difficult now.
My efforts with my daughters has been mixed.
All 3 took Hunter Safety and passed with flying colors. All accompanied on deer hunts before they could get a tag.
My Oldest got a turkey, a pig and a deer and decided she was done.
My middle daughter I took on a guided duck hunt for her first hunt, and she has hunted birds with my dad and his dog. Never really had success of her own.
My youngest has wavered on whether she wants to make the effort to turkey hunt this year. 3 weeks ago was a yes, but then she changed her mind. So I'm struggling with that.
I have taken a new person (non-hunter) our for a number of years now. As I upgrade my gear I keep the old gear in a box to let people borrow it when I take them out. So far I have taken one out per year for the last four years and will continue this year. In the past I have introduced my Brother, Wife, vegetarian co worker, and looking forward to my Dad this year.

Edit: My 3 year old is already begging to go and getting prepped!

I tend to show the finished product first! Especially venison backstraps or tenderloins. Then if they're curious, I will walk them through the process. If they are still interested, I will invite them to go!

I usually offer a free gutting and butchering service!

I don't hide anything. So when a deer does read the script, they are on fire with excitement!
In regard to the EB post, I don't agree that is the responsibility of the hunters ed instructors to take people hunting. I think it needs to be responsibility of each individual taking people that they interact with at work, etc. if they show interest.

A guy I worked with about 20 years ago now, showed some interest in hunting mainly from the food aspect of it. I helped him out and was right next to him when he killed his first deer. It was a neat experience for me, watching the learning curve happen. I will never forget his first comment after killing his first deer, "shooting a deer isn't anything like shooting a target is it"...

That friend became a good hunter, good shot with a shotgun and a rifle, pretty quickly. I also remember his second year hunting, we went over to Freezeout and had a particularly good weekend, shot a bunch of snow geese, pheasants, sharptails, ducks, and he killed 2 whitetails and I also shot one. We had them all loaded in the truck and ready to head home, he looked at the bed of the truck shaking his head, commented "look at that, 2 years ago, I didn't even own a gun!"....funny stuff.

That's the most effective way to get people out there, IME.
I exchanged phone numbers with two prospective hunters at a BHA butchery class. There was a range day planned, but it got cancelled due to the 'rona. Answered a few questions over text, and there's an open invitation for small game hunting this fall. We'll see how that pans out.
The outdoor youth event in this link has been a huge sucess. Unfortunately this year it has been canceled.

@2rocky, three girls of my own. Oldest, took hunter ed, we went deer hunting one year, she could never bring herself to pull the trigger. She still loves the outdoors, but has absolutely no interest in hunting. Middle, took hunter ed, has killed about six deer and a cow elk, and now as a coming senior in high school has other things that are higher priorities. School, cross country, etc. Youngest, started hunter ed, never finished it, finally admitted she wanted to hunt because her older sister did. She has no interest in hunting at all.

It is what it is. They have been exposed to hunting since they were tiny. They've hunted with my wife and I both. It's not that any of them are lazy or afraid of challenges. It just doesn't light a fire inside of them, and that's okay. As a parent, it's my job to find things we can do together that THEY enjoy doing.
Good friend growing up, came from a non-hunting family, and like to shoot bows and BB guns with me. That transitioned to him going with my dad and I. After a few trips, he took off!! All before even reaching high school age; securing permission, shooting, setting stands, etc. He's one heck of a deer hunter to this day. He's killed more and bigger whitetails than I have. Got his older brother into it as well as all 3 of his kids. Both boys had killed multiple deer before their 8th birthday.

I have two boys. Both of their first hunts were them tagging along with me on squirrel hunts. Never killed anything, but we had fun. Both have now killed 1/2 doz deer and the oldest a pronghorn, not to mentioned a few squirrels here and there. They both still go, with me but have very busy schedules with sports, school, and church activities. I'd be quite surprised if the both of them don't end up being hunters themselves.
I find that its pretty easy to get people involved/interested if you initiate the trip and make it as easy as possible for them to be involved, i.e. providing gear as needed, lining up logistics, etc. Then help them out with deciding critical gear they need themselves, or giving hand-me-down gear. I'm sure many people have enough gear to outfit a few people at a time. When I have friends/family come visit, I have enough fishing gear to hit the river for about 6 people.

Between fishing and hunting, I'd estimate I've taken between 18-20 non-hunters/fisherman into the field, some turned into enthusiasts, most didn't, I'd say 25/75. The ones that didn't, just didn't have the desire and drive to figure it out and continue on their own even with some prodding. IMO, as an outdoorsman/woman it's your obligation to mentor people, because there is a very high likelihood someone mentored you.
The outdoor youth event in this link has been a huge sucess. Unfortunately this year it has been canceled.

BigHornRam, that is a great expo! I have looked at that one before and even talked to one of the organizers to share ideas with as we have one that is similar. What they are doing with camp scholarships is amazing. There should be half a dozen of these type of events in every state!
I got a bunch of people into hunting as adults & kids and or grew their hunting experiences locations/weapons/type of game etc/meat processing. I really honestly enjoy their success when we are together hunting more than when I harvest. Take a kid hunting!
If you haven't checked out Hunter's Connect, that is a tremendous resource for new hunters (and there is probably a thing or two in there for experienced hunters).

For all of those that are taking new people out, have them give Hunter's Connect a test ride!
I'm in the process of becoming a hunters education instructor.
I would like to be more proactive in taking new hunters, but I feel like I just dont have a ton of time. Hopefully in the future I can take some new hunters. I was able to get my friend in college into shooting and I'm hoping to get her into hunting some small game at least since she has expressed more interest.
I got a bunch of people into hunting as adults & kids and or grew their hunting experiences locations/weapons/type of game etc/meat processing. I really honestly enjoy their success when we are together hunting more than when I harvest. Take a kid hunting!

Couldn't agree more... I've had a blast taking people out.

Another thing that I've really enjoyed... which was kind of unexpected has been helping guys on the forum plan hunts or locate spots, or even give them places were I was successful and then getting their reports back. Made their HT reports more personal...
I work in a firehouse that stations 9 of us. When I have a successful hunt, I bring in meat and make the fellas dinner. I get to relive the hunt again by telling them stories of the harvest, and they get to enjoy the fruits of my labor. This act of "breaking bread" together has recruited over 10 new hunters from my fire department alone...
One of the things I have done is teach firearm safety class for the last 24 years. I was going to teach a class this spring.....but that thought got canceled with everything else.

Another is being involved with Pheasants Forever and a local sportsmen's club. Both groups are working with the school district to increase the outdoor opportunities and education. We have put a pollinator plot on the high school property. We have purchased trail cameras for the high school and plan to put them in wooded areas next to all of our schools in the county. We sponsor the archery and trap shooting programs (both financially and with volunteers). Any supply they need, we try and take care of it for them. Now we are expanding beyond that into possibly doing a gear library through the local community education program. We have some property that we may make available for either mentor hunts or new hunters on their own for the first time. Hopefully, our Youth Outdoor Activity Day will be held in late August if the Corona Virus is beaten.

Lets hear about some of the things groups or people are doing in their community!

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