Sen Daines booted from twitter for hunting pic

I’ve seen social media posts flagged for having pictures of elk quarters. Who cares?

It’s a nice buck. Nothing offensive about the photo. I care as much about that as I do the elk quarters that were flagged.

What’s more disturbing is searching for conspiracy theories in all of this. I care less about Twitter than I do the Nickel Press.
Perhaps. But are you so sure getting his account frozen for posting a hunting picture wasn't a stunt? That is the point. I agree, the way this played out was "odd."
I'm pretty confident he didn't wake up and say, "I'm gonna post something to get kicked off Twitter today." Not a pre-planned stunt in my mind. But some have to look for ulterior motives if they don't like someone.

Once the Twitter AI chose to do what they did, it was convenient fodder for the dislike Montanans generally have for the big ad-based media. And, you cant have too many hunting pics if you run for office in Montana. He did what he should have done when the ass clowns at Twitter pulled down a hunting pic.

Lots of other ways for him to show his support for hunting and conservation that would actually accomplish something. And which direction has he chosen? Hmmm.
Are you referring to him being the lead sponsor of the Great American Outdoors Act that gave us full and permanent funding of LWCF, something we'd been working on since 1998? That's a pretty good direction to choose if you represent Montana.
1) Who gives a F?

2) Looks like he leaves his social media open to public comment. Maybe you could go make yourself at home there with your wisecracks and comments on his family hunting photo, like other assholes do.

100%. I was pretty sure this was a hunting forum. Why do we always feel the need to eat our own? Living under the growingly anti-hunting ProgressNow regime down here in Colorado, I’d be dang happy to have Daines as my representative.
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I'm pretty confident he didn't wake up and say, "I'm gonna post something to get kicked off Twitter today." Not a pre-planned stunt in my mind. But some have to look for ulterior motives if they don't like someone.

Once the Twitter AI chose to do what they did, it was convenient fodder for the dislike Montanans generally have for the big ad-based media. And, you cant have too many hunting pics if you run for office in Montana. He did what he should have done when the ass clowns at Twitter pulled down a hunting pic.

Are you referring to him being the lead sponsor of the Great American Outdoors Act that gave us full and permanent funding of LWCF, something we'd been working on since 1998? That's a pretty good direction to choose if you represent Montana.
I suppose it is natural to suspect one who capitalized on conspiracy theories that turned the Capitol Building into a battlefield might be responsible for manufacturing another one for himself.
I'm not sure why there is outrage. Elon said the AI needs to be fixed when this issue came up. The AI is not perfect, its very definition is that it takes time to learn. There are some really sick individuals out there posting some really sick things. People are killing people on Facebook live for gods sake.

There are 3.2 billion photos and 720,000 hours of video uploaded on Twitter every DAY. Can you imagine how difficult it would be to manage this amount of content? Mistakes are going to happen.

And as for Elon Musk, his Starlink Internet allows me to spend Oct 1 - Dec 31 and the month of April at my hunting cabin providing me well over 100 days afield during the fall. He is my hero.
Are you referring to him being the lead sponsor of the Great American Outdoors Act that gave us full and permanent funding of LWCF, something we'd been working on since 1998? That's a pretty good direction to choose if you represent Montana.
I agree with the LWCF, huge win there...but I just cant shake that image of the fist bump between him and Cruz denying health care benefits to Veterans suffering from the long and short term effects of burn pits.

Politics is a gross and sad business...

Tug emotions and suddenly this is a fist bump due to hindering a valuable Veteran necessity. False.

This is a typical Democrat and Republican tactic to manipulate the other party's vote in support of their bull chit pork spending garbage. Add a valued necessity (In this case: Veteran's Health) into this bill WITHOUT any amendment opportunity to weed out garbage pork - In this case manipulation by Chuck Schumer (Majority Leader at the time).

Sad Democrats decided to use Veteran Health to force their garbage pork through congress though nature of politics.

Leave it to Buzz to play politics - he knows this game well.
Tug emotions and suddenly this is a fist bump due to hindering a valuable Veteran necessity. False.

This is a typical Democrat and Republican tactic to manipulate the other party's vote in support of their bull chit pork spending garbage. Add a valued necessity (In this case: Veteran's Health) into this bill WITHOUT any amendment opportunity to weed out garbage pork - In this case manipulation by Chuck Schumer (Majority Leader at the time).

Sad Democrats decided to use Veteran Health to force their garbage pork through congress though nature of politics.

Leave it to Buzz to play politics - he knows this game well.

Keep playing your political theatre, Buzz... Drink your Blue Kool-Aid and pretend these games by Repuiblican and Democrat politicians do not occur.
Keep giving them a pass for their unbelievably bad you always do.

I clearly said Daines deserves praise for the LWCF funding, but he also deserves a size 12 for his calloused behavior over the PACT act.

If you call that partisan politics, then you're blind.

Daines and Cruz were flat wrong...along with most of the R Senate, period end of story.
This is the smirk of a tactician who outmaneuvered GOP amendments when Pact passed 86-11 IIRC, what, a week later? Daines and Cruz could not have been more self unaware with the fistbump gift . . .
This is the smirk of a tactician who outmaneuvered GOP amendments when Pact passed 86-11 IIRC, what, a week later? Daines and Cruz could not have been more self unaware with the fistbump gift . . .
View attachment 266499
Sad Americans repeatedly eat at the Republican and Democrat Golden Corral serving chit to those who love vote their party-line, regardless the "F" Health placard at the entry.
I agree with the LWCF, huge win there...but I just cant shake that image of the fist bump between him and Cruz denying health care benefits to Veterans suffering from the long and short term effects of burn pits.

Politics is a gross and sad business...

This is typical, can’t pass on an opportunity to trash an R but will never acknowledge the fact that D’s continually propose anti-hunting bills at the state level in CA, WA, and CO, with the intent to ban predator hunting completely. But that’s what we have come to expect…..
This is typical, can’t pass on an opportunity to trash an R but will never acknowledge the fact that D’s continually propose anti-hunting bills at the state level in CA, WA, and CO, with the intent to ban predator hunting completely. But that’s what we have come to expect…..
Wildlife issues in CA, WA, and CO are best dealt with at the State level and citizens of those states. My emails and phone calls are not very effective in state level politics, although I do send call if appropriate and I have a leg to stand on.
Sad Americans repeatedly eat at the Republican and Democrat Golden Corral serving chit to those who love vote their party-line, regardless the "F" Health placard at the entry.
compromised has become a dirty word, and frankly I don’t think democracy can survive without it. Not sure what might change that.
compromised has become a dirty word, and frankly I don’t think democracy can survive without it. Not sure what might change that.
The one exception: Our country faced this issue once before... In fact, to the extent more Americans died than all Major American soldier involved wars since our Civil War.
This turned our country brother killing brother, as some records present - yet here we are now.

We need to stop the party line trench warfare and that starts with us. Constituents need to tell their party to shift gears or lose us. It's begun to splinter with segments gaining ground.

This petty crap reminds me of the Hunt Talk promoted slogans, "Public Lands in Public Hands" & "Public Land Owner" unless of course, you're not a Hunter and (or) Angler. Then it's, "No Compromise/Coalitions! F$#k other public land people who do not apply as "Owners".
Wildlife issues in CA, WA, and CO are best dealt with at the State level and citizens of those states. My emails and phone calls are not very effective in state level politics, although I do send call if appropriate and I have a leg to stand on.
For sure. When I see fellow hunters in blue dominated states threatened by predator hunting bans and loss of seasons/method take, I try to at least make a call or email. When I see fellow hunters in red dominated states fighting against privatization of wildlife or proposals that are counter to NAM, I also try to at least make a call or email. But you’re right, it might not make much of a difference. That said you’re usually pretty quick to hurl any and all insults on HuntTalk threads toward R’s in MT pushing privatization of wildlife but noticeably quiet when D’s push anti hunting bills in CA, WA, or CO.
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