Seeing red over WY "coyote whacking."


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2016
Canon City and South Park CO
"I once arrested another jerk for driving his snowmobile over a coyote repeatedly, on a lake where several families with children were ice fishing." User F250 posted this to HT in '16.

In WY it is legal to run down, run over repeatedly and kill predators w snow machines and other vehicles. Legislation was proposed last year to outlaw same, the state legislature refused to even have the bill read in session.
This practice infuriates and disgusts me. I would not stand by for it any more than I would watch someone torture a child, pet or livestock. I don't participate but I understand hunting predators: bang, flop. Lights out.

You can't legally shoot @ predators from a vehicle or a road in WY. But it is OK to chase them to exhaustion, then run over them repeatedly. You don't even have to kill them. That would violate every game law they have if it were a moose or squirrel. For coyotes though, green light, full speed ahead. To me that is more asinine than NRs needing a guide to hunt WY wilderness areas, and much less defensible. So I sent an email to every legislator in WY:

Mark WXYZ Colorado Springs, CO writing in opposition to running over wildlife for fun and profit.

I am a hunter and outdoorsman. Those who chase and kill game and predators w snow machines, atvs/utvs, motorcycles and automobiles are neither hunters nor outdoorsmen, in fact they probably don't qualify as people. Torturing animals is a proven step toward sociopathy and psychopathy, yet your law encourages this subhuman practice.

Legislators, check your calendars: It is 2019. Vigilantism, animal fighting for sport, lynching, even using motorized vehicles off designated trails on many public lands have gone the way of the mastodon. So must the vile practice of "predator whacking" as encouraged by your state law, which prohibits shooting coyotes from a road but allows running them down, then running over them as many times as one wants.

If you definitions of sport and manhood requires you to dispatch animals that exist by eating other animals; grab your AR, Glock, BMG and smoke 'em, blow them away, light them up. Regardless of your marksmanship, that is still more humane than chasing them to exhaustion, then running over them repeatedly until they are dead and mangled, or you get your rocks off, whichever comes first. And every OHV in WY has @ least 1 firearm on board.

Last year my family enjoyed traveling to Cody and Yellowstone. The year before that it was Newcastle and Sundance. Frontier Days, the Miracle Mile, Medicine Bow, Jackson Hole, Red Desert, the Bighorns...we will not return, as long as this barbaric legislation exists. I will encourage all my personal and social media acquaintances to avoid spending any time or $ on anything in of from WY.

I already refused to hunt WY because of the outfitter-in-wilderness bullsh1t. I have 0 interest in any reply from you except: it was a bad law and we ended it. I considered a softer tone in this email. Clearly, anyone who endorses repeatedly running down and over wild animals would not recognize or appreciate conciliatory rhetoric. So I wrote what I meant, and what everyone (including coyote hunters) I have heard from agrees with.

HT brethren (and cistern), am I missing a perspective that would make this madness somehow okay? Or remotely defensible? Several years ago when I lived in Grand Junction, some dikfor dragged his dog to death, tied by a leash to his bumper. It was a local and national outrage. Why isn't this?
I was with a group from CU Boulder this week and we ran across a shot coyote on a 2 track. I was amazed at the sympathy these CO nut jobs had for the coyote and they actually had the nerve to ask me to move it out of the road. I promptly drove over it in the road.

Due to the hundreds of fawns and calves every coyote has killed I have no sympathy for them whatsoever, even for people driving over them with vehicles. No shits given.

Glad you don't hunt in WY. We don't need this mentality here. Stay in Colorado. No I am not joking.
There's a difference between what is legal and what is right. I don't see why coyote's deserve less than any other critter. In a lot of ways this type of action will just be another nail in coffin of hunting. We're our own worse enemies. I've shot a couple, but I don't see a reason to anymore. I like hearing them at night, and knowing they're keeping the cat population down. If one came into my yard though it might end up with some lead poisoning.
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I am an avid predator hunter(mostly coyotes). I hunt a lot for cattle ranchers who need to thin down the population around their cattle. I LOVE coyote hunting so much my wife thinks I need help lol. With that being said, ME PERSONALLY, will not shoot pups, run them down on a vehicle, etc. No matter how much people hate them for what they do, they are still animals and I respect them. They are some of the toughest adaptable animals and are doing what they were made to do. I treat every animal with respect no matter what it is so much I tracked a coyote I made a bad shot on for 6 hours on my hands and knees in the dark with a headlamp. BUT THATS JUST ME AND MY OPINION.
I think it speaks volumes of someone who will go to lengths to show care and respect to one species but not another. Whether you like an animal or not, want to kill them or not no animal deserves to be maimed or injured and if you can make mental gmynastics to justify it you're a POS.
Has always been legal in Montana as well. I thought they attempted to change that recently, but I don’t know whether that was accomplished or not.

I know several people who do this for “fun” and the sole appeal, from what I can gather by talking to them, seems to be the sort of prolonged kill and process of maiming the animal until it can’t get away. These individuals have all used the same word describing various of these pursuits -“funny”. That pretty much turns my stomach. I enjoy calling coyotes and shoot predators as much as a lot of people, but I don’t see how my obligation to make a quick, clean kill ends when you start talking about non-game animals. Like it or not, that behavior reflects poorly on all hunters. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.
I think it speaks volumes of someone who will go to lengths to show care and respect to one species but not another. Whether you like an animal or not, want to kill them or not no animal deserves to be maimed or injured and if you can make mental gmynastics to justify it you're a POS.
What were your thoughts on the "Shoot and let it die" changes made to the kangaroo hunting laws recently?
Elkduds I think a lot has to do with wether one makes a living off of coyote prey, people such as ranchers. I doubt very many people enjoy causing suffering. Laws for culling wolves and bears in close proximity to Alaskan Natives villages allow worse, but I can't blame the people for their methods of reducing competition for an important food source (moose). I try to keep an open mind about things that maybe feel repugnant to me and contrary to the way I was brought up.
I was with a group from CU Boulder this week and we ran across a shot coyote on a 2 track. I was amazed at the sympathy these CO nut jobs had for the coyote and they actually had the nerve to ask me to move it out of the road. I promptly drove over it in the road.

Due to the hundreds of fawns and calves every coyote has killed I have no sympathy for them whatsoever, even for people driving over them with vehicles. No shits given.

Glad you don't hunt in WY. We don't need this mentality here. Stay in Colorado. No I am not joking.

Damn... look at the big swinging ding a ling on this guy.
Damn... look at the big swinging ding a ling on this guy.
Not at all. Just don't need folks from California and Colorado telling us that a rancher who is out checking calves and tries to run over a coyote with his truck in Wyoming is a criminal.

We have much bigger problems in Wyoming than a lack of coyote legislation. #coyotelivesmattertoo

The comments are hilarious though. Never thought I would hear a hunter say he stopped shooting coyotes because he likes the sound the make at night. Or that someone tracked a coyote for 6 hours to make sure it was not suffering. High horse hunters who claim to treat all animals the same from mouse to moose.

I guess they probably freak out when people purposely poison animals like moles, rats, mice, prairie dogs, etc. And also probably freak out when a fisherman lays a fish on the bank and it slowly suffocates over half an hour. And they freak out when they hear that it's legal to run over a coyote with a vehicle in Wyoming and tell everyone to boycott Wyoming in some lame millennial protest that means nothing. It's entertaining but also sad as these folks try to make everyone else believe the way they do.
I was with a group from CU Boulder this week and we ran across a shot coyote on a 2 track. I was amazed at the sympathy these CO nut jobs had for the coyote and they actually had the nerve to ask me to move it out of the road. I promptly drove over it in the road.

Due to the hundreds of fawns and calves every coyote has killed I have no sympathy for them whatsoever, even for people driving over them with vehicles. No shits given.

Glad you don't hunt in WY. We don't need this mentality here. Stay in Colorado. No I am not joking.

I like calling and hunting coyotes, but this sort of endorsement of cruelty against what are cool critters, creates anti-hunters, and is indefensible.
I like calling and hunting coyotes, but this sort of endorsement of cruelty against what are cool critters, creates anti-hunters, and is indefensible.
Endorsement?? Read it again, this time slowly. LOL.

Note I did not endorse any cruelty. What I did say is I don't think it should be illegal to run over coyotes. Nothing more, nothing less. That does not do any of the things you claim. But nice try.

Like I said, a rancher out checking calves who tries to run over a coyote is not a criminal in Wyoming. But as always you and the others are entitled to your opinion and if you want to criminalize that behavior go for it. But whining and boycotting is not going to change the coyote laws in Wyoming.
Has always been legal in Montana as well. I thought they attempted to change that recently, but I don’t know whether that was accomplished or not.

I know several people who do this for “fun” and the sole appeal, from what I can gather by talking to them, seems to be the sort of prolonged kill and process of maiming the animal until it can’t get away. These individuals have all used the same word describing various of these pursuits -“funny”. That pretty much turns my stomach. I enjoy calling coyotes and shoot predators as much as a lot of people, but I don’t see how my obligation to make a quick, clean kill ends when you start talking about non-game animals. Like it or not, that behavior reflects poorly on all hunters. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

There was a bill this past session. SB187(prohibit vehicular injury of predatory animal). It died in committee.

Is this really an issue? I can't imagine driving like a madman over pasture land to intentionally run over a coyote. Not sure many people would ruin their truck in the name of predator management.
Like I said, a rancher out checking calves who tries to run over a coyote is not a criminal in Wyoming.

I don't see a huge issues with this, you can endlessly debate regional hunting methods/ethics, baiting, dogs, helicopters etc. and just because a practice isn't something you are used to doesn't necessarily make it abhorrent. This particular hunting method seems like it's probably the furthest extension of the issue, but I see similar defenses/complaints as with bear baiting. I'm not going to do it as it doesn't fit in with my ethic... but I don't bait, and I'm not a huge fan of catch and release fishing everyone draws their own lines.

That being said in CO a landowner can carry a firearm on their own property loaded and uncased on an OHV for predator management... seems like it would be easy enough to just get within 10 yards and shoot the coyote. Also @PrairieHunter I think even you would agree there is a huge difference and major optics problem between running down a coyote while checking on calves and with going out for the day specifically to run down coyotes, filming the whole thing on your gopro and posting it on social media.
Hard to give the argument to the antihunters that we love and respect nature and the animals we hunt and always put safety first, when they can pull up videos like those without putting any effort into the search. Or even just turn on the TV and see a group of "hunters" laughing like crazed hyenas as they blast away with semiautos at a coyote running for it's life across a hillside. I had one guy tell me that he likes to shoot them in the ass so they will suffer for days.
To each his own I guess but the reality is that more and more each year our hunting privilege is determined by how non hunters view our sport. There is such a thing as being your own worst enemy.

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