Caribou Gear

Renamed: crisis averted

He loves hunting, shooting, watching animals n if it’s more time in the field he wants…I’m going to deliver. If u check past posts, the little man has been going w me since he was is diapers n has shot many deer n pigs already starting at age 6. He’s been w me on a horseback spring bear hunt in Montana n hopefully will be back out there again in June. He wants a trad bow to hunt w but he’s no where near strong enough yet. I feel this will just be a stepping stone for him.
I personally….will not be hunting w it.
No need to justify to me or anyone else if it's legal. Had this conversation a lot with hunting buddies lately as we've all got boys of our own. Personally to me some things are worth waiting for and the waiting is just part of it. Good luck however you decide to do it.
Well….. did you take it?

I bought a crossbow a couple years back thinking it would be an easy entry for my six year old. Shoot a deer during firearms season with it, you know?

Well, he’s shot it about six times. Likes shooting bow better and it turns out a 20 gauge and a 7mm08 are pretty easy entry too.

I still like to shoot it for fun every now and then, but it mostly just hangs in the garage.
Well….. did you take it?

I bought a crossbow a couple years back thinking it would be an easy entry for my six year old. Shoot a deer during firearms season with it, you know?

Well, he’s shot it about six times. Likes shooting bow better and it turns out a 20 gauge and a 7mm08 are pretty easy entry too.

I still like to shoot it for fun every now and then, but it mostly just hangs in the garage.
I’m going with some wise advice from @mtmuley. I’ll keep the story to myself. Not so much that I’m scared of being flamed for either taking it or being a jerk for not accepting a gift.

There was a much deeper meaning to the story that I didn’t know about before I wrote this. Had I known that, I’m not sure I would have posted this. So while there may have been some comedic factors to this post and maybe some unnecessary name calling, I did you all unfair. My bad.

What I will say, so that I can close the book with all of you, is that there was a positive and humbling solution at the end of this, and that you will NOT see nephew perma hunting with a crossbow.

I thought about what it would be like to crossbow hunting a pronghorn. I really don’t think I’d have as much fun. There’s too much of a thrill for me to get that close to one, getting busted and watching them all run in an order.
Wack’em and stack’em
I had that on the back glass of my f150 in high school. Did indeed whack alotta deer and stack them after butchering. I'm sure I was the but of a few jokes though. Kinda how I laugh now when I'm at a stop light and see guys with huge Cummins or Powerstroke stickers all over everything.

In all seriousness. Crossbows are like a gateway drug into sipping tea and being light in your loafers. I'd politely decline and keep shooting a regular bow
I’ll admit it; I think they’re kinda fun to shoot. It’s not even close to the same as shooting a bow as far as need to practice, skill etc. it’s just a different tool. I’d hunt with one if I had one but I’d never call it bow hunting
The sad thing is….my grandson who’s 11 got a crapload of $$$ for Christmas n what’s he want to get…….a crossbow so he can hunt w Papa during bow season as well as rifle!!!!

I saw in a movie once that the ancient Spartans would cull children who weren't satisfactory...

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