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Public lands access from interstate highway?


Active member
May 7, 2021
Title kind of sums it up. I couldn't find anything on the subject doing a quick web search. For public lands bisected by a state or interstate highway, what, if any, are the laws regulating parking and accessing said public lands from the highway? This, of course, assumes that one can park safely off of the shoulder - paved or unpaved. I figure it's not an issue of whether you're allowed to access those lands from the road, but more so where one can park safely and legally. Anyone have experience on this subject?
The absolute worst that will happen to you in Montana is you might get a little bit of water soluble paint on your window unless you’re parking there for more than 48 hours.
Title kind of sums it up. I couldn't find anything on the subject doing a quick web search. For public lands bisected by a state or interstate highway, what, if any, are the laws regulating parking and accessing said public lands from the highway? This, of course, assumes that one can park safely off of the shoulder - paved or unpaved. I figure it's not an issue of whether you're allowed to access those lands from the road, but more so where one can park safely and legally. Anyone have experience on this subject?
If you try this in Wyo, few if any Wyo authorities will care. However, you will be haunted by the ghost of a nice, if not anal retentive, Michigan man. The choice is yours.
Do it all the time in this one spot. Get the water soluble paint everytime. As long as you move it within 48 hours it won't be towed. Worst case scenario you get towed and you pay that.
Just an anecdote, but there's a hot spring off the side of I90 near Missoula with great big NO PARKING signs all along the freeway near it. The signs are hard to see because of all the cars parked in front of them. Can't remember ever seeing tickets or tow trucks.
There's a thread about it here somewhere. RIP Topgun. mtmuley
thanks @mtmuley, found it:
I have run into this problem before.... Any chance that you can arrange for a drop-off and pick-up? If not, try pulling all the way off the shoulder of the road/highway before you go do your thing. I would consider leaving a note in the windshield, that you are hunting for the day- this might keep the local police from calling for a tow truck, when they find your vehicle.
I know a guy, very credible, who shared a story with me about hunting off of the interstate in Wyoming. Apparently a HP stopped and was there, I think when they returned to the vehicle. I remember him saying he initially felt like he was gonna get hauled off. He (the hunter) called one of the area wardens at the time, warden and HP spoke, and he ended up not getting cited. Now that I think about it, it’s unsurprising, knowing the general area where this occured.

He said, I wouldn’t recommend it. Not worth the potential for hassles.
I've thought about leaving a note too, might at the least explain to highway patrol that the vehicle isn't abandoned. The last two seasons I've parked off an interstate and hunted onto public land without any issue. It was easy to pull wayyy off the shoulder, and it was really the only access point for this particular block of public land. It was one of those things that was so convenient to do it seemed wrong.
I've dropped off a buddy off an Interstate to hit backside of public land. I then drove to designated parking area and hunted toward him. Was nice pinch move, never got stopped etc. prob more luck but it was literally pull off, he jumps out grabs gear from back seat and hustles toward fence.

OMG so funny he had a plank on frame on backside of a billboard just outside fence for bow! Killed several nice bucks from it!
Is it legal to make a non-emergency stop along a divided highway in any state? Might be some exceptions, but generally the answer is “No.”

Do persons do it all the time? Yes

Some states it is rarely cited or cars towed, and other states it’s far more likely to get you in a pickle.

Will I ever do it? No. I’ve been tempted many times to access publicly inaccessible tracts from the interstate.

If someone else does though, I could care less. Victimless crime. But if you were TG you might as well be drowning puppies.
Just an anecdote, but there's a hot spring off the side of I90 near Missoula with great big NO PARKING signs all along the freeway near it. The signs are hard to see because of all the cars parked in front of them. Can't remember ever seeing tickets or tow trucks.
Another anectdote. I used to have permission to hunt above there, have killed deer, dragged them down to the freeway and into a parked vehicle.

Have also driven down there from Beavertail before I was old enough to drive, parked there, and swam with my friends. Loved that spot.
Here’s another scenario… If I live on one side of the interstate and the rancher that lets me hunt owns the other side, can I grab my gun and hike across the interstate from the house and go hunting? Done that one a few times.