Yeti GOBOX Collection

Ptarmigans in Colorado

they are usually extremely vocal. So locating them can be super easy.

I have to be real choosy where I take my lab, that fool will go right off a cliff to flush them. She's a nut.

Some birds are dumb as rocks, and you could get a limit with a tennis racket.

That Corgi is a machine! Love seeing the hunting pics of that dog.
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I've hunted them twice in Colorado, without a dog. Like t bone says, They are vocal and I've usually heard them first and walked up for the flush.
I'm aware that this thread is 5 years old. I've also verified that several who posted are still active today of the site.

So...I'll be in Colorado the week of 17 September hunting dusky grouse with two pointing dogs. I've got my heart set of going after ptarmigan at least once. I'll be in the southern central area. I have several areas of interest marked for possible ptarmigan locations. Anyone interested in going on a mountaintop hike?
I'm aware that this thread is 5 years old. I've also verified that several who posted are still active today of the site.

So...I'll be in Colorado the week of 17 September hunting dusky grouse with two pointing dogs. I've got my heart set of going after ptarmigan at least once. I'll be in the southern central area. I have several areas of interest marked for possible ptarmigan locations. Anyone interested in going on a mountaintop hike?
Good luck! I’ve got plans to try and get after a few in NW CO come the season.
I started out bird hunting using a dog to get more birds. Today with no dog I wouldn't hunt birds! The real pleasure of bird hunting is watching the dog for me. have read there's ptarmigan but never hunted them and lived there a number of years. Also lived in alaska a couple years and never hunted them there either. In both places Grouse was my bird of choice! But like I said, without a dog, I wouldn't hunt crows!
I agree Don. No dog, no hunt.
I don't see anything wrong with shooting walked up or road birds, and if I were a big game hunter I'd certainly take birds that were presented to me. I've taken my share of road birds too, they all taste the same on the plate😉
I just enjoy working together with the dog more than I don't.

I'll dedicate at couple of days to going after ptarmigan but the main focus of the trip is duskies.
If they are anything like the ones in northern Canada, then they are really easy to bag. We were shooting them with a bow... yes that close.

good luck to all
the dog
Made a few trip's up to Prudoe Bay in a truck years ago on the haul road and the things were every where out on the tundra, Like a bunch of barnyard chickens!
Caribou Gear

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