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Prairie dogs


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
Trade prairie dog hunt in Montana for mt.goat or trophy muley hunt. ;) ;)

Sorry, a guy can dream can't he.
MTmiller... THE first POST I ever made was on another hunting forum. It was fairly new and Mine was the 2nd post..... BUT the trade was for a groundhog hunt in exchange for a Elephan/lion hunt... I was Rolling on the Floor laughing my ASS OFF !!!!

(I actually just went back and they deleted that post so mine sits on the top of the trades....)

ANyway, you reminded me of that... I can tell ya what bro, I could put you on a Forked horn/3x3 in exchange ?!!? Sound fair :confused: :eek: ;) ;)
Well it is a little early in the game to take the plunge for a forky hunt. :D :D :D

I just have this feeling that someone from Canada is just dying to trade some prairie dog shooting for hunting of a stinky goat or deer. ;) ;) ;)

And you never know, the prairie dog could be listed as a threatened species in the near future. :eek:
Come on guys, I guarantee I can get you on some dogs. It doesn't matter if you are poor shot, I can promise you some close shots. They are fairly easy to get when I release them off prairie dog towns. :D ;) :D