Caribou Gear Tarp

Pope John Paul II

Well either he's dead or real close to it. But I think there's gotta be more important news besides this. Heck it's not like it's a surprise, and it's not like it's a premature death. How old is the guy...84? I hope I live that long. I guess some people thought that since he's the pope he would live forever.
To billions of Catholics this is the equivalent of the passing of a active head of state. We took notice when Reagan passed and he wasn't a sitting president.
Ok, as of right now, the only repeated information coming from the Vatican is that his kidneys are failing and his breathing is shallow. Follow the story at or Google Pope John Paul II and you can get the address to the Vatican's website.
Mojave said:
I think it should be interesting to watch the choosing process for the new pope. It is really an intricate ritual and it hasn't been seen in years.

I agree with MOJAVE here, I think it will be interesting to see who is elected. I agree it is a big deal because of who he is to catholics.... I think it is more eqivilant to the Queen of England Dying....
Not trying to satrt a pissing match here...I'll save those for SI.:)

I was just wondering where that statement came from. Catholics are most definately christians.
That is absolutely right I am saying that. I am more of a Southern Baptist. Catholics are a form of Christian...Thanks for letting me clarify that for you


Oh yea and as for WH he is just taking out his butt, if you scroll up you will see where he was unable to understand what I was saying about Catechism :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
All religions asside, please let's not ridicule anyones chosen faith. Pope John Paul II was a man that helped save many people of many religions and many nationalities! Prior to the Berlin wall falling, he rallied the people of Poland to fight for solidarity as well as freedom to worship the God of their choosing. Yes, Lech Walesa was the solidarity leader, but he would have been crushed without the help of Pope John Paul. He reached out to the Orthadox faiths of the Iron Curtain and helped start a strengthened belief in Christ with in the Communist community! He even had Mikael Gorbechov visit the Vatican! The first Soviet leader to visit the Vatican!! During his visit he publicly stated that the people of the Soviet Union would now(then) have the freedom of religion!

Pope John Paul II was the first Pope to visit and pray at the Wailing Wall in Jeruselum and that was at the invitation of prominent leaders of the Jewish faith! He then went to Damascus Syria to pray with Moslem leaders in their Mosque!

This man was a leader among leaders and will be a tough act to follow! This man even visited his attempted assailant in prison and forgave him for his great sin. The man that actually tried to kill him and almost did, was in tears thanking him for his grace!

Karol Jozef Wojtyla was a man that fought for all peoples through the Nazi occupation of Poland, the Stalin attrocities immediately after WWII and communist oppression until the late 1980's. He fought against the genocide in Africa and the Balkans and won all of his battles in the name of peace, but most of all LOVE!

Pope John Paul II was one of the most honorable men this world has ever known, no matter what religion you partake, or what country you reside. This man always fought the good fight and will always be remembered for doing so!

God bless you Pope John Paul! I only wish that I could be half the man you were! God speed and Rest In Peace!
LB, we realized earlier that the local news that Washington Hunter, WH's Outdoors Chick and I have, broke a premature and false story. This thread branched from what we heard there.
I would agree with you John. He has been a great influence on the world.

My wife and I are Kind of kicking ourselves right now for not going to Rome last year when we were in Northern Italy. We hoped he would still be around when we got to go back next year. We will just have to go to St Peters to celebrate his life instead. God speed Il Papa.
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