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Podcasts guests for this week

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Well, looks like a big week for podcasts. A lot of media are in Bozeman this week for the many summer events being hosted here. Over the last couple weeks we did podcasts with Jim Posewitz, one with me and Dan Doty (podcast producer) going into great depth about public land transfer, and one with my buddy Pat Harlin who was a co-chairmen in my six years as a DU committee chairman and who is also an outfitter in Montana.

This week, it looks like Shane Mahoney will be my first guest. Shane needs no introduction for those who read and study conservation history. He is one of the known experts on the topic. Please provide any questions you would like me to ask of Shane.

I'm also doing a podcast with Andrew McKean, Editor in Chief of Outdoor Life. Trying to fit in a few other guys, such as Don Thomas, Hal Herring, and some experts who are here to talk about endangered species issues.

Howard Vincent, CEO of Pheasants Forever is also trying to make it work for his schedule. On Saturday, I am hoping to corner Charlie Decker and Bob Munson, two of the four founders of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.

Given that line up for the week, let me know what questions you might have of any of these guests. We will be referring back to this thread for some feedback and topics for during the podcasts.
Nice job, Fin. I visited with Shane briefly at the WSF convention in Reno earlier this year, and then again on the phone afterwards. I would like to hear his thoughts on the continued privatization of the public wildlife resource in the form of landowner vouchers, outfitter guaranteed licenses, Ranching for Wildlife, etc. I know he does management work for some large landowners who may benefit from such programs, so perhaps it is a touchy subject.
Hey, nice guest line-up. I'm looking forward to this! I loved hearing from Mr Mahoney when he was on the B&C TV show. I would like to hear what he considers the hunter/conservationist's greatest achievement during his career in conservation. Also, what are his thoughts on the greatest challenges we face in the future?
I would like to know if he colors his hair/beard?

Also, what has caused the drastic decline of the Woodland Caribou and are they doing better? If not, what are the hurdles preventing that. ABout a decade a go one could get a guided hunt for a few grand. Now they rival sheep hunts in price.
I am curious about the Dall Sheep decline in Alaska.

Dall sheep populations are down in most parts of the state. What are the proposals out there right now that impact hunters and the sheep population?
I don't have any questions but just wanted to say really enjoying your podcasts and am very much looking forward to the next one.
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