Podcast Ep 061: Misses, Mistakes, Meatheads, and Mayhem; too much fun

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
We just released a new podcast episode that was a new idea. Based on comments so far (only two days worth) I think we might do a few more of these along the way.

It started with me, David Brinker from Sitka, and Mark Kenyon from the Wired to Hunt podcast. We left an open seat for whoever walked by. First person to take the open mic was Brian Call from Gritty Bowmen. Then we were joined by Dustin Roe and Cole Kramer.

I think it turned out to be a fun conversation with really no set path. I know it was one of the more enjoyable podcasts I've hosted. That open flow of dialogue is fun and a relief from some of the more serious stuff that is politics of conservation and public lands.

For those not following, here are places you can find it. Feel free to share.

iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-001-randy-newberg-talks/id1012713381?i=345687547&mt=2

Stitcher - http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/hun...rg-unfiltered-hunting-conservation?refid=stpr

Google Play - https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/Ivpd7otkoefup4z5vb3z6ww23em or https://player.fm/series/83367

YouTube Podcast Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLdxutimd-JvflcJylHR04bP4j4GpcxnC

YouTube episode of this podcast:

If you are not already subscribed to Mark and Brian's podcasts, here are the links. Great guys and worth your time to subscribe.

Wired to Hunt

Gritty Bowmen
I loved the podcast! Please keep doing a few in that format.
Big Fin
I am just finishing the podcast and really enjoyed the discussion and how open and honest everyone was. That was a great group of guys. I know you have mentioned the large number of death threats and people that have claimed they would like to kick your butt. Please don't forget the Hunttalk / Newberg nation that has your back. I can't express enough gratitude for the information and advocacy that you provide for the hunting community.
I too really enjoyed this format. While I have enjoyed all of the unfiltered podcasts, this format allows for a little more variety and feels like you're with a group of buddies shooting the sh*t. It was one of the many that I was legitimately bummed out when it came to an end, so I hit repeat.
This is good feedback. We are going to do more of these when we are at places that have an accumulation of interesting characters. Some of the best I know are too shy to be on a mic, but when off-mic they are thrilling and hilarious to talk with.
Loved the format of the podcast although almost thought I was listening to gritty once brian hijacked the podcast. �� It was nice to here stories of other guys mishaps brings things around when I can internalize them against my own mistakes and mishaps over the years.
I love those kinds of open ended podcasts. Feels like I'm hanging out with my buddies listening to a really interesting, albeit slightly more PG, conversation.
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