PEAX Equipment

Playing with New Camera

Sounds like cost of living in West Dakota is comfortable. That's gonna be a piece of work when you get it done. New houses are nice, but they lack character and depth of the classics.

The pics of the kids and dog could pass as Mayberry shots if they were black and white!
Nice critter pic`s and good looking family for sure.. Did you guys find that deer out in the open? looks like an old corn field.
Okay here is Mrs. Nemont when she isn't giving the look.


That deer was crossing an open wheat field at daylight. We set up on a small hill and he just wandered in front of us.

Whoa and I was just thinking last night how annoying it was getting to be controlling my long hair. Between putting up with you and wrangling that hair, you wife must have the patience of a saint. Sure is pretty though.
That is one heck of a lot of hair...

My wifes was almost that long when I met her, she decided to cut it ten or so years ago and has never gotten it back to its original length...

I like long hair, but watching the women folk go thru the maintanence am really glad I never grew mine like that... :)
Nice pics, great family and nice hair. My camera broke and I'm going to have to buy a new one soon. I'll have to check into yours.
Whoa and I was just thinking last night how annoying it was getting to be controlling my long hair. Between putting up with you and wrangling that hair, you wife must have the patience of a saint. Sure is pretty though.

just read your post and what do you mean about having put up with me?



She is a saint but don't tell I said that.

cool pics nemo,

by the way, round 2 of becoming a montana resident begins next week. The fiance and I fly to Helena on Tuesday :)

I know what your saying about cheap housingin "west dakota", one of my buddies just moved back to his hometown and purchaased a nice little home for 12,000 with a 1 acre yard.
Great pic Nemont...and you got her to smile for this one! ;)

Hey smalls whazzzzup there man? Long time no post. You're gonna make the big move eh? Good luck with it all.
We are hopefully going to be moving very soon. She had tentatively accepted a job in western ND but the hospital in Helena finally responded and is flying us out for 4 days and treating us well. The only thing that is a bit touch and go at this point is that we only have 4 days to vacate our apartment when we get back from the trip, so if it is going to happen, it will have to happen VERY quick.

I went awhile with no computer, but I am back online stealing peoples wireless internet signals, so back in business again.