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Director Worshek jumped on the call. There was conversation about the need for more enforcement. Hank said that getting FTE money is a hard nut to crack. Anyone know why that is?

Also PLPW is doing great work. Talking about Block Management 2.0, corner crossing, and other big rocks. @Eric Albus keep it up and pass on my thanks to the board for addressing these things.
Director Worshek jumped on the call. There was conversation about the need for more enforcement. Hank said that getting FTE money is a hard nut to crack. Anyone know why that is?

Price by state, does not include application fees, qualifying license, etc. Price is for OTC type elk tag where the state differentiates the cost (Not LE, special draw). Take from it what you will.

State - $NR, $R, R:NR multiplier
CO - $761, $63, 12.1
WY - $707, $62, 11.4
UT - $593, $50, 11.9
NM - $548, $90, 6.1
AZ - $665, $148, 4.5
NV - $1,200, $120, 10
MT - $934, $20, 46.7
ID - $652, $37, 17.6
OR - $588, $51, 11.5
WA - $498, $51, 9.8

Mean - $714, $69, 14.6
Hank said that getting FTE money is a hard nut to crack. Anyone know why that is?
Because the legislature controls state employee pay and the (super)majority, by and large, thinks public employees are a waste of air. I work for the state and recognize there are certain perks that for me and my family make up for the pay gap with private, but for many people it doesn't. The legislature would probably rather spend millions on paramilitary a la Blackwater for enforcement than pay our LEO's what they're worth.
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There are currently 20 fte sitting empty in enforcement. It's not a budget issue, it's an issue of not having applicants for the job.
There are currently 20 fte sitting empty in enforcement. It's not a budget issue, it's an issue of not having applicants for the job.
Tough to get applicants when you’re required to have a bachelor’s degree and pay starts at $25/hour. Most Sheriff’s Departments start around $30/hour and don’t require a degree. Most Walmarts pay almost as much as a new game warden. I have a good buddy who’s a warden and he said their vacancies are going to get worse. More than 70% of their force has less than five or more than 20 years on and those are the people that resign or retire.
Just a bit more. In Montana, all state employee's wages are public info. I'm not going to name names, but if you know the name of a Game Warden, look one up.

It's a damn crime - what Game Wardens make relative to their responsibilities.
Add cost of living and a lack of adjustment fitting the wage, especially the boomtown mentality of Montana. (COLA adjustments need to catch up, State and Federal).
And why are there no applicants for the jobs? Are the starting salaries commensurate with the cost of living?
The canary has been in the coal mine for over a decade. It’s unlikely to get better anytime soon.
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