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Payroll tax help

Well, the good thing is if you’re paying federal income taxes then you’re making money through gainful employment and/or profitable investments.
And of course, it’s not your money, it’s the government’s.
Definitely easy to wind up under-withheld as a married couple. My wife went back to work for the first time in 15 years in 2022…I thought I had discussed her W4 withholding but apparently not… Imagine my surprise when last January I realized she had made almost $70k and only about $1000 of federal income tax withheld. It was a real kick in the pants.
Did you manage to avoid a penalty?
One needs to do their tax liability estimating in December and try to make up any deficiencies by the 31st. IRS PayDirect is handy for that. I would never send a check to the IRS via unless it was trackable.
One wishes he had done that…