Caribou Gear Tarp

One Shot Articles… This “Hunt” needs to end


Well-known member
Feb 1, 2021
This is a an issue that is getting more and more attention. I hope all look at the hunt and realize that we should end using our wildlife for political favor and leverage. That the tags should be returned to the general public.

I am always willing to answer more based on what I know…

"did not even generate over $50,000. For comparison, if the State of WY simply sold all those licenses to Nonresident preference point holders the math shakes out like this. Cost of the NR tag is $326. Now even if we went conservative and the one shot tags only took 8 points to draw, that would add another $248 per tag in revenue to the state. Thus all 80 tags, if sold to a NR in the preference point system, would have raised $574 x 80 = $45,920"
Add in the cross-dressing aka drag shows and white guys dressed as Native Americans aka cultural appropriation and you might as well toss in a new performance of blackface vaudeville to reach Volume 11 on the cringe scale. Glad they invited some token women since is no longer 1950. Jeez, I thought Wyoming was the vanilla state in a 50-flavor nation. Nope. They like to get their freak on at One Shot. Toe-Tapping In the Stall is popular on the jukebox, eh? Just a few dudes in dresses on the windy plains.
Ugh! Reminds me of the Northern College football celebrity pheasant shoot every opener on the Hi Line. I was around for that shitshow once years ago when I worked in the area. I have been invited to participate so some NFL player or local wannabee big shot can hunt over my dogs. Respectfully declined. Mostly because I don't hunt the opener for ANYTHING. And I'm not much for the festival scene. Certainly not when I'm hunting. Those folks are not my crowd. Similarly, I would rather be hit by a bus than participate in a fishing derby.
"did not even generate over $50,000. For comparison, if the State of WY simply sold all those licenses to Nonresident preference point holders the math shakes out like this. Cost of the NR tag is $326. Now even if we went conservative and the one shot tags only took 8 points to draw, that would add another $248 per tag in revenue to the state. Thus all 80 tags, if sold to a NR in the preference point system, would have raised $574 x 80 = $45,920"
After this year, I bet all those units will take over 10 NR points to draw.

To the groups credit I think the entire program in 2021 raised about $80,000… So again not even a $1000 raised per license.

This number includes the Banquet, the Auction Items, Raffles, and more…. So again 80 licenses for???
After this year, I bet all those units will take over 10 NR points to draw.

To the groups credit I think the entire program in 2021 raised about $80,000… So again not even a $1000 raised per license.

This number includes the Banquet, the Auction Items, Raffles, and more…. So again 80 licenses for???
What are they supposed to be raising money for? With the level of celebrity/influence the participants have, you would expect they would generate much more money than that. Tag welfare.
What are they supposed to be raising money for? With the level of celebrity/influence the participants have, you would expect they would generate much more money than that. Tag welfare.
So the they have an interesting set up.

There is the one shot hunt which takes 24 tags for the competition. There is the past shooters club which takes the remaining 56 tags and gives them to people who once participated in the hunt. These are people of certain notoriety. Then the over all group is the Water For Wildlife Foundation.

The hunt contest, the banquet, auctions, raffles all run at the same time. The end fundraising is for Water For Wildlife. Which is kind of a cool nonprofit. They work with wildlife mangers to develop guzzlers, and other water projects around the world.

Cool projects but as mentioned… 80 prime pronghorn tags and they can even raise $2,000 per tag…
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