One down, 19 to go.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2015
One year ago I found out what I had been told was sciatica for over a year was stage 4 cancer, prostate cancer metastisized on the bone. My left side of the hip, base of spine and several other spots on my frame,and a tumor on the left hip joint.

I could barely walk,lay down,stand up. Agony 24/7. I had not thought it was just nerve pain. I know what that is.

So after being told it was sciatica ,again and given one vicoden, I got up at 3am and drove myself to the ER in Alb. and demanded an MRI to find out if my discs were herniated or what.
The ER doc knew something was off and gave me an oxy for the pain and I got the MRI. Then he referred me to a oncologist...
..and the next week I met him and he told me matter of fact stage 4, incurable prostate cancer. It had missed the prostate and organs was the good news. "You have 2 years, and maybe 14"...with the treatments we have been using.
I was given a full CT scan and other tests and scans.
My PSA was 419.16. 4 is where they start looking.
10 days of radiation treatments and HRT (hormone replacement therapy) started. I could barely walk into the lab. 10 days later I walked out backwards and said bye.

Last week I got my monthly blood work done and my PSA is now .15....0.15
I have a new oncologist now and a pallitive nurse I have video chats with every 3 months. My original doc has moved and turned me over to a partner.
I had told Dr. V. that given half a chance I'll make it another 20 years. I told DR. W last month the same thing when I met him. He just smiled and said good. Stay positive and move forward.

I post this info to tell you studs, get a regular check up.

Prostate cancer thrives on testosterone. My joke is I could not help being a stud...but I embrace the hot flashes now.
I am still looking for a primary care DR. Impossible in NM.
I go for cataract surgery Mon. I found where it is done and got an eye exam. I should have 20/20 and drive home Tues. The left eye gets done next month. I have had to wait since Feb...walking around with my right eye shut.

One more wake up this morning and Rio and I are just fine. I should be able to see out of my primary eye and fill another elk tag.

One down. 19 to go...
My prostrate is "variable". Should have it looked at again (applying the Helen Keller method of "looking"). I take my good health/luck for granted. Just about everyone I know in my age group is battling something or other.

Hang in there, Hank. I may need to drive to New Mexico just to buy you a beer. What's on sale this week?
Great advice Hank. I've been keeping track of mine because of family history. My Dr. seemed surprised at my concern's and seemed to want to blow it off but i insisted I wanted it checked every year. So far so good plus the Dr. is moving on and it's a crap shoot who replaces him. Our clinic only ever has 1 Dr. and a PA to cover the community. I used to be very comfortable with my Dr. years ago, now a days not so much.
My prostrate is "variable". Should have it looked at again (applying the Helen Keller method of "looking"). I take my good health/luck for granted. Just about everyone I know in my age group is battling something or other.

Hang in there, Hank. I may need to drive to New Mexico just to buy you a beer. What's on sale this week?
Hanks contraband of choice is delicious pie...I've had proof.
Keep it up! I enjoy the weather reports and memories of days gone by. Really wish I could travel for some pie...
Keep it up! I enjoy the weather reports and memories of days gone by. Really wish I could travel for some pie...
Pie-o-neer online. Or call Sarah.
Berries are good anti-oxidents...LOL

Clouding up now. Should rain good while I'm gone.
Lady just called to confirm my ride to eye DR. Cool.

Billy knows there is a bull working the bottom now...hope he takes a pic this year.
Pie-o-neer online. Or call Sarah.
Berries are good anti-oxidents...LOL

Clouding up now. Should rain good while I'm gone.
Lady just called to confirm my ride to eye DR. Cool.

Billy knows there is a bull working the bottom now...hope he takes a pic this year.
Online pie just won't cut it. Has to be straight off the shelf and shared with some local guy and his dog.

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