Old Log Cabins & Pioneer Barns - Pictures.

Found a few more random structure pics in the files I have with me. I have better ones showing complete structures on my other computer somewhere...these ones are kind of artsy fartsy and not necessarily cabins or barns, so apologies if I'm wandering too far from the OP's intent.

This railcar used to be in Comertown, until someone burned it down. I always wondered how it ended up there.
Comertown railcar2mp.jpg

The Danvers Church:

Danvers church 2mp.jpg

An abandoned house in North Dakota:

House and swallows 2mp.jpg

An old schoolhouse in Saskatchewan. There are still some very cool old buildings up there. Seems like in the States people are burning or tearing down a lot of the remaining buildings, but some of the ones in SK seem relatively well preserved. This building had 3 sections made of different materials. I'm not sure if they were added on at different times or what.

Stone school door 2mp.jpgSask schoolhouse 2mp.jpg

This barn is also in Saskatchewan, and was similar to the one @antlerradar posted. The yard/setting around the barn were not particularly picturesque, but the weathervane was still intact and really drew my attention. I don't see these remaining very often. Don't mind the dust spots :sneaky:

weathervane 2mp.jpg
Someone's try at SW Montana


These miners got water from directing snowmelt under their cabin


This was a serendipitous find on a June day.


Remnant of a kiln house in Coolidge


What remains of the town of Gregory, Montana. Gregory is a ghost town, and an old one. Minerals were discovered there in 1864, and in 1867 it had Montana's second smelter. When it was first shut down in 1886, the miners forcibly held the directors of the mine in the hoisting works until back-payment was received. It had fits and starts after that but pretty much quit in 1918.


The remnants of an old telegraph building in the Boulder Mountains.


A miner's cabin on the Sport Lode above Elkhorn, MT.


A cabin going the way of the beetle-kill surrounding it in the upper Little Boulder River drainage

I can't find the current picture of this cabin, but it looks a little more modern with some asbestos siding on it and a small addition on the back. This was my gradma's house as a kid. Its one of the 3 original homesteads still in my immediate family in the area. My G grandma, Grama and dad grew up here, the man on the left is is my GG Grampa, we think the kid on the right may be my GG uncle but not sure, if so the picture was taken about 1898ish, cabin was built 1895. The logs were sourced from a sawmill located up the Middle Fork of Bear Creek. Supposedly the first alphalpha raised in the Madison valley was raised on this homestead. This house is about 300 yards form the Bear Creek School House in Cameron, MT.

The second cabin was located about 250 yards to the west across the county road next to the school house (circa 1897), this was my GG Grampa's father-in-law's place (pictured with folded arms). It sold along with the property a long time ago '30s, the cabin was torn down when I was a kid.

The last one, not so much a "cabin" but built in 1900-1901 by GG Grampa's father-in-law at his original homestead near Ennis Lake, MT. It included running water and was wired for electricity, before there was electricity in the Madison Valley, they had a small generator that sat in the creek to power the lights in the house. Ennis dam was built in 1903 and flooded about 600 acres of this ranch. The original homestead cabin burnt down a few years later, no pictures of it exist that we know of. My parents live here, we moved in when I was about 10 after my GG aunt passed, but we spent every day there before taking care of the animals and upkeep. I'll have to take some pictures when I go home this summer of the barns and what not. There is a log barn that is one of the oldest in the valley, we believe its circa 1883ish. Supposedly the first pigs and milk cows where raised on this ranch to sell in Virginia City and in Ennis. The property was a time capsule, almost all the furniture currently in it was purchased the same time the house was built and shipped to Norris MT via train. There was 2 generations of stuff, much of it like new, and the previous owners were survivors of the depression, so they didn't throw out anything. It was crazy how long it took to clean it out.

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I can't find the current picture of this cabin, but it looks a little more modern with some asbestos siding on it and a small addition on the back. This was my gradma's house as a kid. Its one of the 3 original homesteads still in my immediate family in the area. My G grandma, Grama and dad grew up here, the man on the left is is my GG Grampa, we think the kid on the right may be my GG uncle but not sure, if so the picture was taken about 1898ish, cabin was built 1895. The logs were sourced from a sawmill located up the Middle Fork of Bear Creek. Supposedly the first alphalpha raised in the Madison valley was raised on this homestead. This house is about 300 yards form the Bear Creek School House in Cameron, MT.

The second cabin was located about 250 yards to the west across the county road next to the school house (circa 1897), this was my GG Grampa's father-in-law's place (pictured with folded arms). It sold along with the property a long time ago '30s, the cabin was torn down when I was a kid.

The last one, not so much a "cabin" but built in 1900-1901 by GG Grampa's father-in-law at his original homestead near Ennis Lake, MT. It included running water and was wired for electricity, before there was electricity in the Madison Valley, they had a small generator that sat in the creek to power the lights in the house. Ennis dam was built in 1903 and flooded about 600 acres of this ranch. The original homestead cabin burnt down a few years later, no pictures of it exist that we know of. My parents live here, we moved in when I was about 10 after my GG aunt passed, but we spent every day there before taking care of the animals and upkeep. I'll have to take some pictures when I go home this summer of the barns and what not. There is a log barn that is one of the oldest in the valley, we believe its circa 1883ish. Supposedly the first pigs and milk cows where raised on this ranch to sell in Virginia City and in Ennis. The property was a time capsule, almost all the furniture currently in it was purchased the same time the house was built and shipped to Norris MT via train. There was 2 generations of stuff, much of it like new, and the previous owners were survivors of the depression, so they didn't throw out anything. It was crazy how long it took to clean it out.

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Thanks for some local background info Bambi.

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