PEAX Equipment

NZ Dream


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2017
It is perhaps self apparent, but still deserves mentioning, that New Zealand hunting typically consists of estate hunting parcels with high fences. There is some incredible free range hunting there, though the caliber of animals differs. I knew that going into this hunt and accepted it. I found an outfitter who had large estates (25,000 acres) and would allow me to take any stag on the property without nickel and diming me. That way it felt a little more authentic. Before the hunt began we saw some of the most stunning sites I’ve ever seen. Those sites and seeing my parents who are living and serving there were the primary motivations to visit.

After seeing the beautiful country it was time for some hunting. I have always loved the way red stags crown at the top of their antlers. They have always seemed so regal to me, although I may need to attribute that to my wife’s love of Victorian English movies. Honestly, seeing some red stags is the only way I get through those movies. The hunting area was incredible and the kiwi’s are so incredibly nice and accommodating. Seriously. They are much more present in the moment than many in the states and they appreciate the simple things. IMG_8990.jpegIMG_8992.jpegIMG_1596.jpeg
Before the hunt began I knew I wanted a stag with major mass. I feel the same way about nearly every antlered or horned animal. They just look so cool. We arrived at the property early (7 am) and started heading up the mountain. The tussock grass and plants in the area are beautiful but aggressive. It felt like everything wanted to scratch me, and hiking up/down with that grass underfoot is SLICK. We glassed up several stags in the morning from 3-400 yards away but not what we were looking for. Sorry for the long distance shots of them.

We left that area for some back basins hoping to catch some stags as they moved for beddings areas while the day warmed up. We were glassing a new group of four when we saw a stag move down the opposite ridge towards a nasty Manuka thicket. Even from a distance we could tell he was big. We hiked over to get a better look but it took some time to find him in the bushes. Once they bed down in the tussock and manuka it’s like they disappear. Our patience finally paid off 30 minted later when the sun must have hit him just right and he stood up. I knew instantly he was the one. We had to slide 50 yards down the opposing slope to be in the right position but would lose sight of him. As we poked our heads over the tussock to find him again he was fortunately still standing. It was 230 yards and a great rest from a sitting position. One bullet from the 300 win mag did the trick and I turned a lifelong dream into a memory. He really is a spectacular animal. We also added a great fallow deer later in the hunt. I wish I had time for a tahr hunt, but that just gives me an excuse to come back for another trip!

You picked the right outfitter! That was an amazing trip and congratulations on it meeting your expectations. Seems as though New Zealand is even better than what you hear about the place.
How in the hell are you gonna by put that guy on a wall🤣.

That's awesome I can't wait to go down there one day. Thanks for sharing
Congrats as that’s a beautiful stag. I’m heading over there in a few days and can’t wait for the hunt and a little touring around.
Congratulations on your NZ trophies.

Gary runs a nice lodge on the South Island. I saw him at his booth at the SCI Convention in Nashville a few weeks ago.

Happy hunting, TheGrayRider.
I'm not familiar with fallow deer but that looks like an above average specimen also?
Yes, he gross taped out at just over 290. Was hoping to break the 300 inch mark but didn’t quite make it.
Crazy looking red stag and that fallow looks really big! New Zealand seems like a really cool hunt and one I think I could even convince my wife is worth us doing
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