Now I know why everyone in MT hates WA guys....


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2001
Disgusting. I'll have to do some research to see what these scum are actually worth. Gawdam bone collectors.
......they get all the special deer permits.;)

Holy shit.

However, I can assure you, most of us Washingtonians can't hit the broad side of a barn so your wildlife as little to fear.
Hell @neffa3 the one is damn near your neighbor, you can meet him in Cashmere for a beer…then kiss his ass!
I already tried looking him up. He either doesn't own a house in his name or moved already.

Also, I'm not kink shaming but I'm not much of an ass kisser. And just to put it to rest, I'm also not much of an ass kicker.
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Already looked him up. Looks like Mr. Kerr is a relatively close neighbor of mine at Rock Creek. :)
kerr got a bunch of covid money. probably new his income from hunters was drying up,,,,,
Wow.....thats a lot of poachers from Washington.

I always wondered how many big bucks we would all have to choose from if everyone just played by the rules. I bet it would blow your mind. When I hunted in Montana I thought to myself, there are so many deer here and not many bucks. Honestly, what could have happened to them all....I just kept telling myself that I would find one eventually and fact of the matter is that I never did see, even a bottom end, "Shooter buck". My dad commented on how Montana would be a poachers dream come true. I guess it really is and maybe that why there are not many bucks there? I dunno.
Makes one wonder what happens when richy riches don't draw tags for their huge ranches.
You shouldn't have to wonder much. More than a few think that they are in the west of 1880 when they get out in the middle of Eastern Montana
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The cost of fines for poaching has always confused me. If an offender is willing to travel across the country from Massachusetts, Florida, or even WA, then they can afford to 'scratch the itch' of these petty fines.

While the poachers are making poor moral choices, their justification to take animals is both logical and practical even if they get caught. For this reason, states should consider raising poaching fines to cost at least more than the average price of guided hunts.