North idaho


Jan 27, 2020
Looking for hunting and fishing partners in north Idaho 63 retired good shape wanting to get out more
I recently retired at age 62 and my sheep hunting partner aged out...unfortunately I'm 2700 miles away.
I moved up to Alaska from Moscow, ID 30 years ago...lots of good memories especially hunting,
I liked spring gobblers, the long uplan bird hunting season and the long whitetail season.
Good luck..enjoy your retirement and hunting/fishing.
Thanks for the kind words , hope your well in Alaska. Hope to get there for some salmon and halibut fishing . I retired from construction 4 years ago here in Spirt lake and love it, growing faster than what I was expecting but beautiful just the same , good luck enjoy your retirement
I recently retired at age 62 and my sheep hunting partner aged out...unfortunately I'm 2700 miles away.
I moved up to Alaska from Moscow, ID 30 years ago...lots of good memories especially hunting,
I liked spring gobblers, the long uplan bird hunting season and the long whitetail season.
Good luck..enjoy your retirement and hunting/fishing.
That's about when we arrived here in Latah County. Now I'm obsessed with retiring to SE AK.
Good day Papaed-
I’m also looking for an Idaho hunt/fish partner. I’ve lived in the Spokane Coeur d Alene area for a good portion of my life. I moved to Oregon for a decade and having moved back to the N Idaho area have lost my previous partners. They’ve moved away or partake in things I’m not interested in anymore like drinking. I’m 44- in reasonable shape- and hunt hard! I’m pretty much solely an Archer and have been for 20yrs now. I hunt Solo BUT would feel better about chasing Elk with a partner this September. I’m the type of hunter whom will chase a bugle anywhere, I don’t care if it’s 2500ft down in a Hellhole- I WILL get the meat out even if it takes 3-4days- I will get the meat cooled and figure out how to keep it cool until it’s out. I’m very particular, driven, and not really hunting as a vacation. I’m there to work my behind off and will certainly enjoy myself but my enjoyment comes from being committed to the task at hand. I’m not the guy with a wall tent, sitting around the fire at night drinking a beer. Rather, I’m hiking into the mountain in the dark and probably coming off the mountain in the dark, that is if I don’t decide to just throw down a tarp and sleep on the hill. At camp, I’m there to eat, get packed for the next day or days hunt, then sleep so I can get up the next morning as prepared as possible to do it all over again. Apologies for the long winded bio! I will take it a little easier when fishing, but again am there to catch fish, so I’m pretty focused and serious about success. If you’re looking for a serious person whose only satisfied by knowing I left it ALL on the mountain or river, shoot me a message or reply here
Hello are you still looking for a partner I currently have a deer tag for unit 4 but will put in for the draw and willing to try to change units if interested. Would be nice to hunt with someone who knows the area as I'm coming in for the first time.
were are you from, who are you? Always looking for someone to hunt with but need info ? Lots of crazy out there and I don’t want it near me
I am Dan I live in California (not one of them lol I'm originally from Pennsylvania transplant to this hell state) I am in good shape I am 37 years old took my hunters safety class at the age of 12. I have hunted in Pennsylvania and California only. I don't smoke or do drugs. I drink occasionally but never when around guns. Please feel free to ask me anything happy to answer. Thank you for your response.
I am Dan I live in California (not one of them lol I'm originally from Pennsylvania transplant to this hell state) I am in good shape I am 37 years old took my hunters safety class at the age of 12. I have hunted in Pennsylvania and California only. I don't smoke or do drugs. I drink occasionally but never when around guns. Please feel free to ask me anything happy to answer. Thank you for your response.
Hey dad , sorry to here you live in California. Hopefully your views for this country and fellow Americans are not with the majority of the state. I too was a California man but could take no more and got out .moved here to this beautiful state and love it, although only been here a short time 4 years I’m retired and enjoying life married in Spirt lake , I’m 65 this feb but in good shape for old guy but love outdoors so if you don’t mind hunting with old guys we can probably check it out, still looking for that elk , i archery hunt and rifle send pm and we can exchange #best wishes
Sorry for the delay I have been trying to figure out how to pvt message you. I am new on here and don't have all the ropes yet. No I have a California views what so ever. My wife is from here and my job is here only good things about it. I will be hunting unit 4 for rifle season Oct 31- Nov 5th I can try to get a different unit in the draw if that would work better for you.
Still got winter here don’t think much getting out for another month ,I also will hunt 4 and a few others probably down to 9 in Avery .I’m in Spirt lake area but will hunt just about anywhere I can
I live in North Idaho. Fished the lakes up here my whole life and just started hunting again. Planning on hunting/fishing N Idaho and Montana the rest of my life. always looking for other local people to go on trips with.
Sorry not to get back to some of you guys been pretty busy this year so I apologize to you all , if your still interested I am also please message or email me hopefully we can do some hunting and fishing 8055512509- [email protected]
Looking for hunting and fishing partners in north Idaho 63 retired good shape wanting to get out more
I’m a quite a bit younger than you, I’m 23 years old, and just moved to Moscow, Idaho. I grew up in the Midwest fishing and hunting, and I’m looking to get into backcountry hunting on foot and I also love to fly fish.
Good day Papaed-
I’m also looking for an Idaho hunt/fish partner. I’ve lived in the Spokane Coeur d Alene area for a good portion of my life. I moved to Oregon for a decade and having moved back to the N Idaho area have lost my previous partners. They’ve moved away or partake in things I’m not interested in anymore like drinking. I’m 44- in reasonable shape- and hunt hard! I’m pretty much solely an Archer and have been for 20yrs now. I hunt Solo BUT would feel better about chasing Elk with a partner this September. I’m the type of hunter whom will chase a bugle anywhere, I don’t care if it’s 2500ft down in a Hellhole- I WILL get the meat out even if it takes 3-4days- I will get the meat cooled and figure out how to keep it cool until it’s out. I’m very particular, driven, and not really hunting as a vacation. I’m there to work my behind off and will certainly enjoy myself but my enjoyment comes from being committed to the task at hand. I’m not the guy with a wall tent, sitting around the fire at night drinking a beer. Rather, I’m hiking into the mountain in the dark and probably coming off the mountain in the dark, that is if I don’t decide to just throw down a tarp and sleep on the hill. At camp, I’m there to eat, get packed for the next day or days hunt, then sleep so I can get up the next morning as prepared as possible to do it all over again. Apologies for the long winded bio! I will take it a little easier when fishing, but again am there to catch fish, so I’m pretty focused and serious about success. If you’re looking for a serious person whose only satisfied by knowing I left it ALL on the mountain or river, shoot me a message or reply here
I live in North Idaho. Fished the lakes up here my whole life and just started hunting again. Planning on hunting/fishing N Idaho and Montana the rest of my life. always looking for other local people to go on trips with.
You still looking for anyone?
I live in North Idaho. Fished the lakes up here my whole life and just started hunting again. Planning on hunting/fishing N Idaho and Montana the rest of my life. always looking for other local people to go on trips with.
have you hunted the silver valley?
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