Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

NM diy pronghorn


Active member
Oct 7, 2023
Oct 6 leave for NM around 8:15 am and I got there 4:00pm at my buddy place . Then we scouted 2 pieces of public and saw 1 buck and 2 does by this time is was getting dark , so went back to the house for a meal of elk steaks and pronghorn backstraps wrapped in bacon.20231006_171850.jpg
Oct 6 leave for NM around 8:15 am and I got there 4:00pm at my buddy place . Then we scouted 2 pieces of public and saw 1 buck and 2 does by this time is was getting dark , so went back to the house for a meal of elk steaks and pronghorn backstraps wrapped in bacon.View attachment 296114
Oct 7 opening morning woke up at 5:30 had some coffee left at 6 to scout some more public land, first stalk he wouldn't let us get close enough 2nd stalk something spooked em before we could get close enough and they went into private . Then we went to the area where we scouted the night prior and picked up the same 1 buck has far we could tell , spotted em along the fence line between public and private we watched for a bit then they went over a hill onto public so eased down along private to get the wind in our favor then about 15 minutes later the 2 does that was with him popped back over the hill so we dropped right where we was and then he came over they slowly fed down the hill and I shot him at 250 yards.IMG-20231007-WA0005.jpgIMG-20231007-WA0016.jpg
Oct 7 opening morning woke up at 5:30 had some coffee left at 6 to scout some more public land, first stalk he wouldn't let us get close enough 2nd stalk something spooked em before we could get close enough and they went into private . Then we went to the area where we scouted the night prior and picked up the same 1 buck has far we could tell , spotted em along the fence line between public and private we watched for a bit then they went over a hill onto public so eased down along private to get the wind in our favor then about 15 minutes later the 2 does that was with him popped back over the hill so we dropped right where we was and then he came over they slowly fed down the hill and I shot him at 250 yards.View attachment 296125View attachment 296126

Oct 6 leave for NM around 8:15 am and I got there 4:00pm at my buddy place . Then we scouted 2 pieces of public and saw 1 buck and 2 does by this time is was getting dark , so went back to the house for a meal of elk steaks and pronghorn backstraps wrapped in bacon.View attachment 296114
Oct 19 left the house again in the dark with some coffee didn't see anything in the morning but for the evening scouting trip I took my buddy's brother with me and we saw 4 bucks in a group , the biggest was ether a 4x4 or 5x5 down to a fork 20231018_183502.jpg20231018_185506.jpg
Oct21 opening day for my tag left the house at 530 with coffee then went to allsups for a breakfast burrito with green chilies . Went to a piece of public and started glassing on a high point and spotted 4 buck about a mile away , then started a stalk and we got withing 175 yard of 2 of em before the smaller of the 2 smelled us and took off with bigger 1 in tow . We walked a draw on a another piece of public , saw a baby diamond back snake and ended the day by seeing some does amd fawns .IMG-20231021-WA0001.jpgIMG-20231021-WA0010.jpgIMG-20231021-WA0001.jpgIMG-20231021-WA0010.jpgIMG-20231021-WA0001.jpg20231021_163811.jpgIMG-20231021-WA0009.jpgIMG-20231021-WA0013.jpgIMG-20231021-WA0001.jpg
Oct 22 left the house early and went to the area where we saw the bucks yesterday but didn't see anything until about 1:30 pm which was a forky and 2 does , went to another piece it looked good for deer on paper and by the good ole eye balls we saw a doe and her twins on that piece , also saw another small snake my buddy stepped right over it . Then on the way home we saw a bigger 1 on the road .IMG-20231022-WA0008.jpg20231022_170402.jpg20231022_170348.jpgIMG-20231022-WA0004.jpgIMG-20231022-WA0005.jpg20231022_122326.jpgIMG-20231022-WA0007.jpg