Caribou Gear Tarp

New setup


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2018
Las Vegas
So after much procrastination, I've gotten serious about getting my first archery setup. Taking lessons at the local shop, too. They are very good and are helping me get spun up for my first elk hunt 7 weeks from today. I'm going to be trying different bows starting tomorrow and would like to know what are absolute must haves for the gear I need beyond a compound and arrows. I told the guy at the shop I thought my budget would be about $1,000. He responded that it would be better if my budget was $1,200 and even better if it was $2,000 :) What you do experienced archery folks think? Please let me know what pieces are must haves.....thanks!
Don't be afraid to buy a used bow, I recommend having it inspected.
Not a brand spanking new out the box, bow… lol not necessarily a MUST have.. quality comfortable release. Make sure they serve your peep, rest cable etc WELL. Like serve up the string to the peep, both sides. They’ll sell you whatever you wanna buy.
For 1k budget I would definitely steer away from new. Go up in quality with a used bow and start setting up from there.
For 1k budget I would definitely steer away from new. Go up in quality with a used bow and start setting up from there.
I've considered used, but there doesn't seem to much available locally. Buying used out of the area is hard if you can't put your hands and eyes on the equipment easily.
Clarification: my budget number is not fixed hard. I can spend more but it concerns me to just spend more coz the sales guy says "it would better if you can spend XXX".
I bought a "budget bow," Mission MXR. 3 season in and I'm very happy with it. Would like to upgrade my rest soon though. I have the QAD hunter and can't seem to get it to tune properly. The vanes get marks from the rest. It shoots consistently though and I'm accurate with it, so I'm not changing anything this close to hunting season.
If you're trying to stay on a $1000 budget for the full setup (bow, sight, rest, quiver, release, arrows, broadheads), look at Bear, Diamond, or Mission for new bows. If you're willing to go with a used bow, you could likely find a 2+ year old "flagship" model and stay on budget. New or used, I would stick with a brand that your shop carries and is familiar with.
Clarification: my budget number is not fixed hard. I can spend more but it concerns me to just spend more coz the sales guy says "it would better if you can spend XXX".
Sales guy isn't wrong because there is a difference as you move up the lines. We could argue all day about whether that cost increase is actually producing meaningful performance gains.

Don't be afraid to buy a used bow online but buy it from eBay or similar where you could return it if something was wrong when you have it inspected. I bought a Halon X a few years ago on eBay with arrows, rest, hard case, and sight for about half what the bow alone would have cost two years earlier. Happened to find one with the correct draw length so that was easy and saved a ton of money on arrows.
as @Rzrbck918 said find something on ebay like this : (not recommending this exact item but something along these lines)

not brand specific but you can buy fully set up bows like this all over ebay and then if you need something worked on you can bring it to a local shop and they will help you out for a small fee. Just verify your buying from reputable seller with good reviews and I've noticed there are alot of bow shops across the country that use ebay to sell bows so you can message them on ebay and many will adjust to your drawn length and such before sending it your way.
A quality used setup at a discount would be nice for sure. If I could be sure I'd like the bow beforehand it would definitely be the way to go.
My son took his first archery buck with a borrowed bow that was about 20 years old at the time. So there is no "need" to have the latest and greatest, just one that will put the arrows where they need to be.
7 weeks before your first archery elk hunt? yikes.

Go mid grade or better archery equipment. No sense in cheaping out an getting the cheapest stuff. There is a reason its the cheapest stuff.

Go with a simple QAD drop away thats cable driven, mid grade arrows, and a wrist rocket release, you dont have enough time to get proficient with a handheld. I like black gold sights with a tied in peep cause they are simple and bullet proof. Your going to have to shoot a ton the next 7 weeks.

Make sure you are at a draw weight that is really comfortable to pull back. 70lbs is not your huckleberry if your a newb. Lower weight with a simple cut on contact broad heads kill elk every year. No sense in tearing up your shoulders cause you dont know how to draw back properly. go 60lbs or less on draw weight.
7 weeks before your first archery elk hunt? yikes.

Go mid grade or better archery equipment. No sense in cheaping out an getting the cheapest stuff. There is a reason its the cheapest stuff.

Go with a simple QAD drop away thats cable driven, mid grade arrows, and a wrist rocket release, you dont have enough time to get proficient with a handheld. I like black gold sights with a tied in peep cause they are simple and bullet proof. Your going to have to shoot a ton the next 7 weeks.

Make sure you are at a draw weight that is really comfortable to pull back. 70lbs is not your huckleberry if your a newb. Lower weight with a simple cut on contact broad heads kill elk every year. No sense in tearing up your shoulders cause you dont know how to draw back properly. go 60lbs or less on draw weight.
I know, 7 weeks. I'm very aware the timeline is tight, which one of the reasons I'm here asking some advice on equipment. I want to get to where my equipment is lined up ASAP so I can practice as much as possible over the coming weeks. Last lesson I pulled 65, it was hard but not to bad.
I know, 7 weeks. I'm very aware the timeline is tight, which one of the reasons I'm here asking some advice on equipment. I want to get to where my equipment is lined up ASAP so I can practice as much as possible over the coming weeks. Last lesson I pulled 65, it was hard but not to bad.
if 65 was hard go 55lb draw. I wouldn't suggest shooting past 30 with your short practice time frame. You want to be able to draw your bow in any position not just standing.
I know, 7 weeks. I'm very aware the timeline is tight, which one of the reasons I'm here asking some advice on equipment. I want to get to where my equipment is lined up ASAP so I can practice as much as possible over the coming weeks. Last lesson I pulled 65, it was hard but not to bad.
Swallow your pride and go 60 lbs or less for this season. Compound bows still have plenty of juice to get the job done at lower draw weights. Practice holding at full draw for an extended time then executing a good shot. Also practice from sitting and kneeling positions. I would recommend making your bow decision ASAP so you can get in as much practice as possible with your actual hunting setup.
My advice, buy a new setup from the shop that is giving you lessons. If they are a reputable shop, they shouldn't steer you wrong.
First elk hunt? First archery hunt? In less than 7 weeks? Practice, practice, practice and then practice more. There is a learning curve with archery and your muscles/brain will have to be good students.
My advice, use only (1) pin on your sight for 20-to-30yds and become proficient with it while shooting outdoors. If your hunt will be in the timber, practice in the timber. If hunting open terrain, practice in that environment. Hint 30yds in the timber will seem a whole lot farther than out in the open.
Most importantly, be honest with yourself and know your limitations with a bow. Being successful with a bow is reduced to the millisecond that you release the arrow. Hopefully the practice will make things feel automatic and that arrow flies true.
I wish you luck on your hunt!

Be safe and shoot straight.

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