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New podcast?

Yup. I've got five of them in the can. We are trying to get the next one up tomorrow.

With my bison hunting and then SHOT show, the transition of this project from Zero Point Zero as producer to me as producer has caused us to lose a podcast. Having many of them in the can, we plan to release a few extras to make up for the lost release that got delayed.

Sorry and thanks for asking.
Thanks for doing them, I've enjoyed yours and Steven Rinellas they've been good.
No more Dan and Janis?

Yup, the next podcast is up. Randy did it, start to finish, with no help, so if it is screwed up, it's all on me.

Dan is busy as a .......

Janis said he still wants to be on the podcast when he can. We are working on dates and topics that would fit.
Good to hear. I've noticed a fair amount of people have joined HuntTalk who seem to have found it via your podcast. I know I have really been enjoying them.
I noticed that I had to turn the volume on my iPhone and in my truck allllll the way to max in order to hear this recent podcast, and even then it was still very quiet. Anyone else notice this? It was a very big change in volume levels from past podcasts
I noticed that I had to turn the volume on my iPhone and in my truck allllll the way to max in order to hear this recent podcast, and even then it was still very quiet. Anyone else notice this? It was a very big change in volume levels from past podcasts

I tested it on my Samsung and it was like normal. Hoping it is a quirk you experienced and not a bigger issue.
I wish the Podcasts were more timely. I would like to hear your take on the asshats that took over the wildlife refuge in OR. just more current events in general.
I look forward to the podcast. I always listen to yours and Steve Rinella the day it hits.
I'm a rural mail carrier, so I listen to a lot of podcasts. Yours is easily one of the best. Thanks for doing it Randy, this newest one has made me add two more elk states to my plan.
I wish the Podcasts were more timely. I would like to hear your take on the asshats that took over the wildlife refuge in OR. just more current events in general.
I look forward to the podcast. I always listen to yours and Steve Rinella the day it hits.

Good point. Mine will be more timely, now that they do not have to go to NYC for editing and smoothing. They will be a little rougher from a perfect audio standpoint, but they can be much more timely. The one we released this morning was recorded yesterday morning. That's like light-speed in the podcast world.
Volume and quality sound the same for me. Love the podcasts Fin, thanks for posting the next one.
I noticed that I had to turn the volume on my iPhone and in my truck allllll the way to max in order to hear this recent podcast, and even then it was still very quiet. Anyone else notice this? It was a very big change in volume levels from past podcasts

I had to use my seat belt to hold my phone against my shoulder so it was closer to my ear.
We could always invest in a connection to the vehicles radio or a bluetooth speaker.
just to echo others sentiments both how truly enjoyable the podcasts are and that the low volume was also noted on a iphone back in Pa .. solved that by listening to it a second time when i got home to my much quieter den =)
I also am glad to have them back after the hiatus. As previously mentioned I had trouble with the volume. I had it all the way up on my headphones at the gym and could hear okay, but that was a higher volume setting than normal. When I got back to the truck and no headphones, I could not hear it over the highway noise of driving on the freeway.
In any case, I really enjoy listening. I learn at any volume. Thanks for doin' em Big Fin.
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I just finished the podcast, holy cow my head hurts, thanks for the unbelievable amount of information bigfin

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