New Men’s mountain clothing line

Note to self, add @Doublecluck to my greenhorn cautionary clicks list…
You just gotta accept the times man! Embrace the change bro, it’s a new world! We need a diverse group of they’s to carry on the tradition. Why should we dress like our fathers or grandfathers? We need to redefine what it means to be a mountain person, give them’s a Henry with a laser pointer, a scoped savage 99 and some triple ply charmin and these fellows are revolutionaries…
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Hey guys! Thanks for noticing my new clothing line and for some of your messages inquiring about the new line! As a veteran member of the hunttalk community I respect the rules of the community and did not want to post about my clothing line as to not compete with the sponsors of this forum. In order to respect those companies after this post I will no longer post on the subject. As this will be my only post I will answer the two most common questions I have been receiving.

1. What material are the garments made of? The material used is 100% hand selected feral cat fur. It is woven and knitted at the ridge view senior care center.

2. Are the garments true to size? YES, they are true to size so be sure to order your normal size.

Thank you again to all who have asked questions and for you serious mountain hunters who have preordered!
Hey guys! Thanks for noticing my new clothing line and for some of your messages inquiring about the new line! As a veteran member of the hunttalk community I respect the rules of the community and did not want to post about my clothing line as to not compete with the sponsors of this forum. In order to respect those companies after this post I will no longer post on the subject. As this will be my only post I will answer the two most common questions I have been receiving.

1. What material are the garments made of? The material used is 100% hand selected feral cat fur. It is woven and knitted at the ridge view senior care center.

2. Are the garments true to size? YES, they are true to size so be sure to order your normal size.

Thank you again to all who have asked questions and for you serious mountain hunters who have preordered!

I don't know how many times I have to say this, but I'm all in here.

Also, someone is about to get sued. @Tradewind developed this exact same concept back in 79. It was a hit at the Studio 54 in Youngstown Ohio. It was a night-club, but it was also a bingo parlor.
I don't know how many times I have to say this, but I'm all in here.

Also, someone is about to get sued. @Tradewind developed this exact same concept back in 79. It was a hit at the Studio 54 in Youngstown Ohio. It was a night-club, but it was also a bingo parlor.
Thank you for the inquiry to colab! I will have to review your social media accounts to see if you are fit for #knittednuthugger community prostaff!
What in world were you Googling to come across this??? Good Lord.
Stole it from a waterfowl hunting page I follow, trust me I ask myself that question on about 80% of the posts on the page.. diseased minds in the waterfowl hunting community but goddamn they post some funny crap.
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