Never have I ever…


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2015
Shot two big game animals in a season (antelope excluded)…until today.

Had a nice brunch with the family, if you’re ever feeling too relaxed definitely let your 6 year old whip up pancakes, you’ll be stressed in no time! Got out to the spot at the crack of 1130. Wind finally laid down a bit so I was using a new-to-me spotter to glass for elk. Found one group pretty close to the private and set out after them. They must have laid down between me leaving the truck and making a loop around them. Couldn’t find that group but did see another larger herd about a mile away. Figured the few I saw linked up with them so off I went!

100 yards into my walk I look into the buck brush (or whatever it is) and there’s a big Ol’ pair of ears turned my direction. Throw the binos up and it’s a little calf. Get down on my pack and range it at 208. Now the rest of them stand up and it’s the group I was initially looking at, mostly spikes and cows. The majority of the group is further up hill but the calf is perfectly broadside and isolated and I’m starting to take slack up…but a big cow next to her turns broadside undoubtedly saving her. Just didn’t have it in me to shoot the calf so I squeezed off a shot at the big cow. Group startles a bit but still just mills about. I can only see heads over the buck brush now and they are staring at one cow by herself further downhill. She looks a little woozy and then tips over. The rest of the group stood there while I walked up to them, probably was 50 yards by the time they took off. Cow down by 1:30 in the afternoon. Quartered and packed to the truck by 4:30.


Totally grueling .7 miles for all the trips! Just happened to be a road within a couple hundred yards of where she fell. Didn’t have my pack frame but I blew the side out of the Alps Traverse pack I use. Not thrilled, definitely could have been in a pickle if I was deeper in the woods. Wonder if Santa has any leads on Mystery Ranch?

Freezer mostly full so I’ll end up giving most of this away, but a really fun afternoon that I had low expectations for.
Congrats! im in somewhat of the same boat as you. Never shot as many deer as I have this year. But my cow tag is still open! Hoping to still connect with one!
Was able to find space in the freezer. Tossed an old chicken I found in there as well as some mystery items. Spent yesterday cutting and vac sealing.

Ended up trimming everything up and cutting steaks to save space. Fingers crossed on this CWD test. Ended up with 5 big 2.5 gallon bags of grind but I feel like I want to weigh everything as my yield seems low. It’s not like I was throwing huge hunks of meat out or leaving big scraps on bones. Even took a few bigger hunks off the carcass I would normally leave since I have a new grinder, just doesn’t seem like the 100+ pounds I keep reading about.

Was able to find space in the freezer. Tossed an old chicken I found in there as well as some mystery items. Spent yesterday cutting and vac sealing.

Ended up trimming everything up and cutting steaks to save space. Fingers crossed on this CWD test. Ended up with 5 big 2.5 gallon bags of grind but I feel like I want to weigh everything as my yield seems low. It’s not like I was throwing huge hunks of meat out or leaving big scraps on bones. Even took a few bigger hunks off the carcass I would normally leave since I have a new grinder, just doesn’t seem like the 100+ pounds I keep reading about.

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"Tossed an old chicken I found in there as well as some mystery items" Oh the amount of times I tell myself that I'll label everything properly before it being tossed 1-2 years later because I got lazy after a couple of hours!
And in regards to not having the amount of meat that you were expecting, hunters love to exaggerate how much meat they got off the bone about as much as they like to exaggerate the distance the shot was taken, the size of the animal, and how quickly it bedded haha.
Good lookin' setup though. Looks like you've been cutting meat for years!
Congrats on the close-to-truck kill! Truly a slick move with an elk down and by yourself. Elk definitely vary in size, but a mature cow should yield between 110-160 lbs ballpark of meat depending on your field dressing.
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Congrats on the close-to-truck kill! Truly a slick move with an elk down and by yourself. Elk definitely vary in size, but a mature cow should yield between 110-160 lbs ballpark of meat depending on your field dressing.

Got the bathroom scale out for fun, looking at 117lbs of steaks and meat for grind. So on the low end, but I don’t feel too bad now. I know I am picky when it comes to trimming for grind, but I’d rather not have junk just to get a few more pounds.
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