Sitka Pre Season Savings

Need a mountain goat client/guinea pig....


New member
Jan 6, 2007
Big Lake Alaska
Headin' into a new area this fall for mt goat, gonna work it under a guide/pilot who lives in this exclusive guide area of the wrangell mountains and i'm looking for someone looking for an over the counter mt goat hunt here in alaska for a discounted price. Normal hunt price is 9500 but i can shave a coupel thousand off that for the first guy.
This ain't no candy, sissy woosy boy hunt, this is a mountain man hunt, some awesome country, goats have the best hair of any goats in the state in general. Colder winters, cooler falls, less rain, better weather than the coastal goat hunts.
let me know if you guys know anyone whos intersted (willing)!


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Who would want to hunt those ugly critters and the country they inhabit...booorrrrring.

All kidding aside, looks like an amazing hunt. If I wasn't headed to BC this November I would be contacting you about details.

Come on Tyson, you need another goat.:D
Can I still use my 4-wheeler??

j/k :D

Seriously, though, this seems like a great deal for anyone that wants to jump on it. Unfortunately, I am both broke and fat, both of which prohibit me from taking you up on the offer. If I could alleviate one of those two problems, I would suck it up and deal with the other. I'm working on the fat part, but the broke part is the hard one.
I'm in same boat as guppie...fat & broke :(

But would LOVE to do that hunt! One day maybe!hump
looks long to no thats not the name of it.
sheep hunt too??? for 6500 bucks!!!!???? holy
sheep hunts sell like batteries at walmart, can't keep them on the shelf!!
I think I just asked if you could sheep hunt that area. I didn't ask you to take me for $6500 :rolleyes: I have a brother in Fairbanks and I will be sheep hunting with him in August. I have a uncle who might be looking for a guide in the next year or so.

There are ewes and goats in that area. :) Rams are slim pickings. The place gets hammered with "sheep" hunters out of McCarthy because of access and how the two big dawg transporters out of the town operate. The management of the area over the years has gone from any ram, 3/4, 7/8 and hell I haven't kept up with it recently, but it could very well be full curl only now. The terrain is a bitch and if you aren't in shape I promise you will feel like a bag full of smashed assholes by the time you are finished. I've always said there probably are some monsters in there, but they are few and far between.

I've seen a good amount of goats in this unit. Again, if you are in shape, the hunt Jake is offering will be lucrative...I'm willing to put money on it.
ovis, they are having the board of game meeting right now actually and they are trying to get the regulation to full curl there as well now. which they should to hvae an area 3/4 and the rest of the state full curl.

There are some sheep in there but like ovis said, it gets hit hard! i know one of the guides back in there takes about 20 something sheep hunters a season and i hear rumor that mccarthy air dropped off around 50 over the course of the season.

And being that you asked about sheep the only answer there is is, maybe. no ones gonna give ya a picture on the internet and say yep, right there, left side of long glacier theres good rams. and if they do, go hunt the right
people really get their panties in a knot over sheep for some reason. But the goats in there are competeing with the sheep for the food and the outfitter who does the sheep right there wants to start tappin' the goats a bit to ease some of the food pressure for his sheep, which are his money maker. well i'm looking for a goat area and he's lookin' to have some goats dead...? just seemed like a good plan.
just gotta find someone for the first trip in.
And being that you asked about sheep the only answer there is is, maybe. no ones gonna give ya a picture on the internet and say yep, right there, left side of long glacier theres good rams. and if they do, go hunt the right

I know Jake is throwing an example out there, but just so we don't get anyone in trouble here...the right side of Long Glacier is the Park. Ohhhh baby, did I ever see a stud of a goat over there.
I've got a home VHS tape of this area if anyone wants to borrow it.
Thanks for the input. Good Luck Jake. Hope you find someone. I'll pass along the info to my uncle. Maybe he would want a goat hunt.
i want to borrow it oak.
the right side isn't the park just yet, you've got a couple miles of nasty before you get there.